The princess selection (6)

The crown prince got bored watching the ladies of Aphidia move from stupid activity to the other. He already knew who he was going to choose as his princess. They were just wasting their time and his. 

But since he had given his father his word that he would oversee everything, he had no choice but to not through the whole thing. 

They had been sitting there for over three hours. He just wished the elders would stop the whole thing and ask him who he wanted to male his wife to get the torture over and done with. 

Amaru had already fallen asleep. He wouldn't blame his friend, even he who loved ladies would get tired of staring at the same faces for so long without moving. 

The only eyes that were still open were his and Jason's and he too was drifting away. He had not slept a wink in the night, to avoid seeing Jason in his dreams. He thought that it would keep his feelings for the man from growing more than they already had.