The princess selection (8)

Walking up in his room, Jason found that he wasn't alone. Right beside him laying on his hand was the girl he used to crush on. He rubbed sleep off his eyes and sat up on the bed. 

He removed Sashina from his hands and laid her on the bed. 'How did I get here?' He asked. 

"You are awake," he jumped hearing the scary voice of the crown prince. Turning his head to spot the man, he found Davion seated at the chair next to the bed with a book in his hands. 

Jason gulped. "What are you doing here?" He questioned. Davidson raised his eyebrows at him before setting his book down on the bed. 

"Weren't you the one who said that we are engaged, hence what is yours is mine?" Davion asked to him. 

"I didn't mean it in a wrong way," he defended. He was just curious as to how long the man had been seated there. If he was the one who brought him back from the garden.