Putting the pieces together

Jason rested his head on the bench and glanced to the skies. In his hand he held tightly the note from that he found under his pillow. It was from the author of the book.


The note read, he had gotten so close to the truth and now he had a condition to meet in order to learn more about his past and connection to the author of the novel. He had to be best prince Nedryn that he could ever be.

This time around, he didn't enter the novel empty handed. He could feel the changes in him, he was stronger faster and much more. He had not tested himself yet but he could feel it. he was taking the time to think.

Davion was real in the real world and the author was able write him a note inside the novel, he had a feeling that something was amiss. He had gotten what he wanted and was inside the book once again but he still felt lonely.