I won't ever let you go

"Who is Davon?" 

The crown prince questioned. No one among them was called by that name. He was curious if the man made a mistake in calling his name, since Jason has been going through something of late. He was concerned. 

"Dason is us," Jason replied. "Davion and Jason merged together becomes Dason," he explained. 

"Awww," Amaru and Winrus let out. It was cute and romantic for Jason to have taken the initiative to merge his and the prince's names together. 

Davion smiled, it was a strange thing to do but he wasn't against it. He was delighted by the idea of having a name that refers to both of them in one call. 

"It's nice," Amberly said. She smiled and cheered for the name but had her hands behind her back folded into a fist. "It's perfect for the baby," she added.