Birthday gift

The shock of the outcome of the situation was written in both their faces. The shadow that terrified the world sort the crown prince out to deliver a present. 

Davion was way too astounded to open the gift. Aricus was a name he wasn't expecting to hear again. It was supposed to be a forgotten memory. 

Jason was speechless, either he had lost his mind or the author hated him. The man had not set him to war but brought him back to the novel in the heart of the battle field.

He had enemies from each side of his life, he had Sashina one end who was hellbound on having him. There was Amberly who was two faced and was master at playing around with words. 

Then there was the royal grandmother with whom Sashina had created a bad image of his love. She was set on getting him away from Davion and was supporting Amberly to win.