The confrontation

The crown Prince Davion left Aricus's side and sauntered over to where Jason laid. "Privacy," he ordered from the eyes that stood watching the scene. 

Everyone was forced the leave the area. Only the two of them remained, Jason didn't even bother to turn to look at him. 

He didn't have anything to say to Davion. Everything was too complicated in his mind for him to give any attention to the man. 

"Get up," Davion commanded in a deep threatening tone. 

Jason's eyes shot open. He felt irritated by the man's attitude towards him. The crown prince was the last person that he wanted to hear from the crown prince was how threatening he could make his voice because two could play at that game. 

He got up and shot a threatening glare at the man. He was not in his right set of mind to bear anything from the man. It didn't matter how much he loved him, there was a limit to what he could take.