A new season

The morning opened doors to a new season. It was the summer season in the kingdom of Aphidia. The season of mating and securing alliances. 

Such was the busiest season and the court was busier than ever. It was the season of love and new discoveries. 

Prince Amaru opened his eyes, the bags under his eyes were a clear indication that he had not had much of sleep in the night. 

He had been worried sick over Winrus's health and kept awake the whole night watching over him in case his health were to take a turn. 

He had not even eaten a single morsel of food since the male was injured and even then he did not feel hungry. 

The morning sun was shining so brightly but sadly his day didn't bring any good news. Winrus was yet to wake up which was a worrying sign. He trusted the crown prince to have treated Winrus better.