
"Sashina," Jason let out. 

Davion dropped his smile and turned away from Jason. The situation had changed, Jason had stopped the tears in his eyes and now it was Davion's turn to cry. 

After everything that had happened between them. Davion did not expect that Jason would ever look him in the eye and call out that girl's name. 

Jason didn't mean it, there was only one person in his heart, then and now. He only called out Sashina's name to make Davion stop asking him so many questions that he didn't find necessary to answer. 

And as expected it worked. He felt bad for telling a lie but he didn't have any other choice. Admitting that he still cared for Davion was asking the male to break him apart once again, he had enough of that for one lifetime. 

"There you are," Jason looked up to the door. At the door stood a young lady that he had not had the pleasure of knowing before.