What are we?

Jason's p.o.v

I sighed. How did he know I was pretending?

"Why are you here?" I whispered to him, still not facing him.

"I wanted to see you," He whispered in my ear, causing me to shiver. I couldn't help but wonder how he knew where I lived. 

I didn't say anything and neither did he. We just laid there together as I tried to sleep.

I didn't know for how long we just laid there. I couldn't sleep. But when I looked over at the clock hanging on the wall, it displayed the time 1:42 in the morning. It was too late and we had school tomorrow.

"D, you need to leave," I whispered as I turned around in his arms to face him. I couldn't help the part of me that didn't want to utter his full name out of embrassment. I thought he fell asleep but he was staring at me.