Shadow Church

"Please calm down, alchemist. I'm sorry for my disciple's rude behavior before."

An old, calm voice suddenly came from behind Mas.

The sudden voice scared Mas and he immediately turned his head. He did not notice that there was someone behind him.

What entered Mas's sight was a gray-robed fox leader. He held an emerald staff in one hand and his other hand was in his sleeve. He stood calmly and looked at Mas.

Regarding this unfathomable old foxman who had suddenly appeared behind him, Mas was deeply afraid of his actions.

As long as the other party made a move, he would immediately summon the remaining Red Crystal Gargoyles in the alchemy space and escape.

Because everything was too treacherous.

"There's no need to panic, young man. I have no ill intentions." The old fox looked at the flustered Mas and smiled faintly.