Could Dyson be Mas?

At this moment, Mage Anthony, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly said, "Your Majesty, there's one more thing. I don't know if I should tell you!"

"It's like this, Your Majesty. Some time ago, in the genealogy of our Pine faction, I had a great-grandson who had some distant blood relations with me. His name is Belek. He is the Chairman of the four largest trading unions in the Empire, the Sith Chamber of Commerce!

"It's like this, Your Majesty. Some time ago, in the genealogy of our Pine faction, I had a great-grandson who had some distant blood relations with me. His name is Belek. He is the Chairman of the four largest trading unions in the Empire, the Sith Chamber of Commerce!

A few days ago, I sent my subordinates to look for Belek and asked him if he could help my country get 10,000 alchemical soldiers to come back and participate in the war against the Flame Empire for the Fire Essence Ore.