
"Looks like apart from working with me, that fatty, Belek, has other important figures behind him. Looks like I have to be careful. Otherwise, with his influence as the president of the Sith Chamber of Commerce, he wouldn't be able to obtain so many good things!" Looking at the four boxes of high-grade alchemy materials in front of him, Mas fell into deep thought and thought to himself.

In these four boxes, apart from most Level 3 and Level 4 magic crystals of various attributes and the corresponding all-purpose steel frame, the rest were high-grade alchemy materials above Level 5.

There were as many as nine Level 5 materials. However, six of these nine alchemy materials were magic crystals of different attributes. After all, these things were made by props alchemists and were not that rare.

Water, Fire, Earth, Ice, Wood, Lightning, etc. The remaining three alchemy items were the highlight.