Legendary Alchemist Musaro

After Mas got up and washed up, he planned to make a trip to the Tiger Might Kingdom with Norton.

Norton had been in low spirits ever since he returned.

Mas was really angry and helpless at Norton's failure of his revenge.

However, seeing that Norton was his first cyborg and that he was still young, Mas treated it as a mistake.

Mas gathered Dick, Sha You and the others to his side and told them about his and Norton's trip to the Tiger Might Kingdom.

Originally, Mas had planned to let Dick and Norton go to the Tiger Might Kingdom.

However, Mas thought for a moment. If he really exterminated the traitor of the Tiger Might Kingdom, he would then plunder all the valuables in the traitor's home.

If he let Dick, who was not an alchemist, go, he would lose a lot of things since Dick did not know the items well.

With this thought in mind, Mas planned to personally accompany Norton to the Tiger Might Kingdom as a form of exercise.