Epic Alchemical Creature, Light and Darkness Giant!

Riding the alchemy transmission channel to the top of the Alchemy Tower, Mas looked at the remaining alchemy materials after he had finished making the Water Magic Bead last time and began to analyze them carefully.

The Level 7 alchemy materials included the Red Dragon Stone, the Sea Demon Siren's Tear, the corpse of the Gods Bestower, the Unicorn's Young Horn, the corpse of the Void Demon Spider, the Space Stone, the Dark Stone, and two Seven-Colored Stones.

Mas did not intend to use the two Seven-Colored Stones, the Space Stone, and the corpse of the Void Demon Spider. In the early stages, they were important alchemy materials that could increase the strength of the Seven Luminaries Battle Armor. Then, combining with high-grade magic crystals, it was very likely that an Epic alchemical creature could be refined.

The corpse of God Bestower Mullovans was the only possible main material. He had to refine it and match it with other materials.