Thunder Flash Void Demon Spider!

In Harold's Room in the Storm Empire's palace,

Harold sipped his tea and listened to a soldier's report. His eyes gradually lit up.

"Dyson really summoned three legendary alchemical creatures to destroy the Alchemist Guild?" Harold was surprised.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Also, Dyson used three Legendary alchemical creatures to kill three of Hopper's Legendary alchemical creatures!" the soldier replied respectfully.

Harold laughed when he heard the news.



"Looks like Master Mas is unusually angry about the assassin attacking Dyson at the auction last night!"

"However, I didn't expect Master Mas to give three Legendary alchemical creatures to Dyson to do this. I thought that Master Mas only had three Legendary alchemical creatures, but I didn't expect five!"

"Perhaps Master Mas has some hidden trump card!" murmured Harold with excitement.