Dick's Lie

On the other side, Harold finally saw the Ghost Witch, Dick, whom he had seen at the auction some time ago.

He asked, "Lord Ghost Witch, do you have any understanding about the powerful soul fluctuations in the past few days?"

Hearing this, Dick smiled and said to Harold, "Your Majesty, aren't you being too paranoid? This is a very normal phenomenon. Your Majesty, think about it. When two armies fight, there are countless people who die in the same place on the battlefield. It will definitely breed stronger spirits, but the existence of these spirits is only temporary.

They will dissipate with the passage of time. Your Majesty, you must be thinking too much. "

Hearing Dick's explanation, Harold nodded in agreement. "Looks like I'm old. I'm old and I'm cautious in everything I do. You have a point."

Harold did not doubt Dick's words. After all, it was not as if this had never happened before. It had happened many times.