
Sleeping in a friend's bed

The stranger strapped him into the back seat and the voice speaking to him sounded familiar but he couldn't place it. They were asking him some questions but he could only laugh at the in and out voice. He had his eyes closed as he felt nauseous and his head was in pain but still had it in him to ramble on about some nonsense about what he thought about his night and so did the person being pushed in the car near him.

"Do you know the form- formula for…Pie- nah pi." The other person next to him sounded a lot like Daniela.

"3.14!" Zayn yelled

"Please shut up you two." Zayn rolled his eyes and chuckled as he heard the car door slam.

"What the fuck?!" Zayn jolted awake confused and delirious, holding his head in pain. He layed back down and snuggled into the covers he was laying in. What was this lighting that was too bright for his blocked off room. Did Laverne open his curtains again? Zayn groaned and buried his face in the covers. Something was wrong, this wasn't his room or his bed. He lifted himself up and surveyed his surroundings and this definitely wasn't his room. He grabbed the picture frame on the bedside table and blinked a few times to recognize the person.


"Yep?" Aaron came walking in shaking a bottle of water and pills.

"You should have taken me home." Zayn glared, pushing himself out of the bed. Maybe he was being too rude but he still had fragments of the embarrassment he experienced yesterday. He just wanted to crawl into a hole and die.

Well I wanted to apologize to you for last night and even though i'm not a light weight like you i was tipsy and wasn't going to drive that far to take you home." Zayn rolled his eyes. "Hey! Don't do that I could have left you ther-" The words echoed his mind. He left Daniela and forgot to at least make sure she had a way home.

"Oh god! I forgot Dani!" Zayn's jolt made his head hurt even more. "Fuck! Where the hell are my pants?!"

"When I brought you here you did that on your own and I didn't leave her. She lives right there. Right across from me. You probably didn't know that." Of course he didn't, he didn't care so that wasn't important. "I'm really sorry." Zayn didn't think Aaron did anything wrong. He felt like he should have jumped in for him but it was okay they weren't that close anyway.

"It's fine." He still felt mopey over it and didn't know how he could return to school with this over his head.

"I know Ebany is probably never gonna apologize and I still don't know why she doesn't like you but as a mutual friend to both of you I wanna say sorry on her behalf."

"Well, I can't accept it. If it ain't from her it means shit and i know she meant every word. It doesn't matter anyway I'm fine." Aaron could tell from Zayn's expression this was a front but he didn't want to dig too much and left it at that. "Hey, can you take me home already?"

"So you wanna go home smelling like cheap beer?" It wasn't something his sister wasn't used to even though she did like it and argued with him more than once over it. Aaron walked over to his closet and threw some change of clothes to Zayn. "The shower is over there." He pointed to a room parallel to the door he came in from.

As soon as Zayn entered the bathroom a familiarity and foreign feeling fell over him. Something about being here felt like a familiar setting yet so weird and he didn't know why but he didn't want to admit how similar this was to accidentally waking up with a hook up and that made him feel a type away. He needed to get out of here and shake away that feeling. After having a quick shower he could hear Aaron having a conversation through the door between them.

"No NO NO! That's Not How It Went!.... listen , listen!...Ugh Why are you like this?! I said this over and over it's not like that!..... Okay, okay, let's talk later. I'm busy and you're getting on my nerves." Zayn didn't know what Aaron was talking about but from the tone he could tell he shouldn't be eavesdropping. He waited a minute or two before he turned the handle and entered the bedroom again. Aaron looked visibly upset over his call but changed his demeanor once he spotted Zayn.

"Done already?" Zayn half smiled as an answer. "Ok, let me get my keys."

Zayn knew as soon as his keys clicked that lock Laverne would be in his face about his whereabouts. Even though it was about his well being he didn't like it. He was being responsible enough and that was good enough.

"Where were you?" Laverne sat in the living room eating dry cereal while Grey's anatomy played softly in the background.

"I stayed the night at a friend's. You said, ``Be responsible." Laverne couldn't argue that one.

"You think I'm a dumbass right? I saw all over instagram some dude running naked like a chicken and Senator Yoon's daughter trending. So it did get posted.

"But I'm fine, right?"

"I didn't like what I saw and I don't want you mixed up with those people." Zayn nodded understanding where she was coming from. "I hope you and your friends stayed out of trouble because if I hear anything, I'm coming for you." He smiled and shifted pass his sister up to his room.

Finally being reunited with his own space brought him peacefulness. He could finally crawl into bed and not think about the conflicting feelings he had earlier or his embarrassing night. If he just cuddled into his pillows and closed his eyes this could all go away.

Something smelt good, like really good. He couldn't believe he was doing this but he bought the collar of Aaron's borrowed shirt to his nose and smelt it. That was good! What the fuck was he doing? This was weird. Zayn stopped what he was doing and just froze in his own room freaking out over this shirt. He pulled off the shirt and threw it across the room like some repulsive bug. He pulled at his hair to get himself to snap out of it but it wasn't working.

His phone vibrated in his pocket and he pulled it out to reveal the caller screen of Daniela.

"What?" He answered snapply.

"Hi, Do you wanna hang out in like an hour?"

"Daniela, My head is freaking killing me and I don't feel like seeing anyone. Not today." He felt like that sounded too harsh to her and felt guilty immediately. One of Zayn's flaws was his reluctance to say the clear words I'm sorry and it was always some run around instead of the word or nothing at all and even blame. He didn't know how to apologize or refused to.

"It's fine, same honestly I just felt like hanging with you today. Maybe another day." She cut off. He didn't know if she was hurt or not since she was good at hiding her feelings even though she was extremely sensitive and he tried really hard not to. He hurt her way too much in the past to add anymore damage.

Zayn tried closing his eyes but he couldn't shake the feeling maybe and just maybe this was hypothetical, just maybe there might be a window where he could see himself into guys but he didn't want to cross that. He couldn't admit that because it didn't feel like him. Does he need to distance himself from Aaron to avoid seeing him in that light? He needed to put distance between them quickly; he didn't want to even think about his voice.

Fuck his mind. He repeated over and over in his mind that he couldn't have feelings for Christian nor Aaron because that wasn't possible because he was straight. Maybe if he stuck by that it could guide him out from feelings for both. His ceiling fan was hypnotizing him as he kept saying those words and trying to imprint it in his mind. He didn't want to doubt this wouldn't work on him. He wondered how Christian felt about their incident. How could he go on so normally? It made him jealous and angry how he blew off that moment. They didn't talk about it now bring it up not like Zayn wanted to really talk about it but still he felt like it should have been bought up some way but it was embarrassing mostly on Zayn's half and Maybe Christian didn't talk about it because he knew it would bruise Zayn's ego but it was already and eating him alive. He needs to get them off his mind quickly.