

"I can't believe she's showing her face. She's brave for real. If that were me, I'd be moving to Australia." Some girl joked to her friend on the other side.

"Same, like ma'am your whole titty is in everyone's messages. Who do you think leaked it?" The other asked wide eyed.

"Her obviously dumb bitch. She IS the Chronicles. I don't know what she thought that would do. Embarrass Zayn. I'm pretty sure he doesn't care. Boys don't care about those things, we care. No reparations for them, brick tons for us. That is one dumb ass bitch." The second said laughing at her own joke.

She felt stupid and wanted to cry again when she heard someone laugh. They continued their conversation but it was more mocking her than anything else. She just wished people would leave her alone. She only posted the video after she saw the look Saintclair had in his eyes towards her, hurt and disgust and she never wanted to see it again and she knew what his favorite thing was, personal revenge but now she knows she might not regain his trust.

On the other side of things, Zayn again found himself in the boys locker room after Wednesday practice. Everyone was still looking at him sideways for him co-starring in that video. He didn't mind because he understood why he was getting this attention but he was irked by the way people were talking about him. Majority remained neutral on the situation due to them knowing both Renee's scumness and Zayn's promiscuity but others picked sides and those others were very critical. It made him insecure, criticizing his personality and body.

"And somehow he's still our Captain?"

"Shut up, he might hear you."

He rolled his eyes and ignored what was happening around him. He had no energy to deal with it.

"Team Captain, how are you holding up with your newfound attention?" Saintclair sly asked, passing by. Zayn tsked to himself as he ruffled through his bag singing a mantra of "Don't engage"

"Stop." He hears Aaron say beyond the lockers. He just wanted to get out of here as soon as possible because it seems like even his team mates didn't think fond of him. It wasn't his fault his dick got leaked. "C'mon I thought we went over thi-" Saintclair covered Aaron's mouth and shoved him aside.

"I don't care." Zayn couldn't care less about the scene. Even if he had lingering feelings for Aaron he couldn't help but feel hurt by his deceit. It was still fresh and he still feels like he is owed an apology.

"You know Zayn..." Saintclair started off. Zayn glanced at the boy who was trying to have a conversation with him while in the shower. "I have some burning questions to ask." Zayn did not wish to engage but he knew he would ask anyway which he proceeded to do without an answer. "What kinda relationship did you plan to have with Renee?" Zayn closed his eyes to tune him out but Saintclair repeated the question. "Be honest with me, I could care less about the shit she decides to do but as someone close to her I care about her feelings so be honest with me what were your intentions." He sounded less patient than before when he first posed the question.

"It was nothing…" He said making direct eye contact with the nuisance. "It was casual. For someone who says he doesn't care you showing alot of emotion."

Saintclair glared at him, not really expecting that answer. The other remaining members in the room also heard Zayn and they all were just staring. Saintclair blinked a few times to compose himself as he chuckled to himself.

"Makes sense I don't expect anything better from you." Everyone was scared Saintclair is not a calm person he was quick to react yet he didn't make a move yet. "But like I said I do care about her and I'm finding it really hard not to slam your face into the tiles right now."

"And if you do that I will find it really hard not to share what I know about you with everyone else nor will I hold back on defending myself." Zayn turned off his shower and faced Saintclair. "Do you really want to fight me with nothing on? Kinky." Saintclair placed his hands together over his face as restraints over his last remaining sanity.

"Get the fuck away from me!" He gritted.

"Gladly." Zayn replies, grabbing his towel.

Zayn sat on the bleachers by himself watching the Lacrosse team practice for their upcoming game. He never liked the sport in particular but watched practices for Christian's sake. It felt weird to sit and watch even though him and Christian were on bad terms.

"Hi!" Zayn was startled out of his thoughts by someone plopping down beside him. He recognised the person as Mooching Mormon, a soul sucker. He suspected he was part of the Chronicles due to his association with Saintclair and Renee.

Mormon got his name from his history but not at his old school. He was known at Crystal High Prep for using people to get to the top of the social hierarchy. At that school this work differently than Ferris Hugh's in which your worth is measured by How much your parents are worth, how famous they are and who you hang out with in school settings and Aaron was bottom of the toedom for his first two years until he got a girlfriend who ticked the school setting boxes and started using his close friends who were significantly famous for clout and status but things went down hill for him when he threw them all under the bus when everything went to his head and he became and outcast again until he transferred to here and things started looking up because things were different and his status was different.

Zayn didn't like him for his history and actions. He always came off as condescending and sadistic. He was uncomfortable to be around. "Aren't you supposed to be practicing?" Zayn asked, gesturing to the team below.

"Yeah but I would rather talk to you."

"No thank you, I don't trust you and I don't like you." Mormon shrugged acknowledging his response.

"Fair, I mean Renee did just use you to bait out Daniela and to humiliate you but that part ended up back firing because you seem unphased." He didn't think he would acknowledge it or come right out and subtly allude to knowing what was going on. "Yeah, I picked up you figured out some of the not so secret members,"

Zayn snickered, "Is that what you came to talk about?"

"Not really... it's not the only thing. I wanna help you cause fuck even I'm worried about how things are going." Zayn peered at him confused. Help with what? "I know you, I can read you. People are using you for shitty reasons and it's sad to watch. I am going to give you something that would change your life-"

"Is it drugs? He queried.

"GOD NO! The hell no, I'm giving you a flash drive with every Chronicle member and their file." He grabs Zayn's hand placing the flash drive in his palm. "Everything good and bad lies in the 20 gigabyte flash drive. Good luck!"

"I don't need your help! I don't want any of your help! Just leave me alone. Can you guys just stop terrorizing my life already?!! I don't know what I did to deserve this!" Zayn stands to his feet with disdain to the guy standing right next to him. "Knowing y'all this is a virus or some way to hack me. No thank you." Zayn was about to throw the small device he was given but Mormon snatched his wrist.

"This is serious, I'm not joking. I'm trying to help you to the point I sent you Chantelle's file as well since you don't like him. I wanna warn you. Somebody is using you as a scapegoat or something because things aren't adding up. I'm literally risking being ousted because I believe someone is scheming against you." Zayn could read the pleading in Mormon's eyes but he knew they were all good liars since Aaron could continuously look in his eyes and pretend to be concerned about his well being. "I need to go but please look at it and don't throw it away. It would mean my double crossing will all be in vain." He joked and ran off back to the field. Zayn held the device tightly in his hands contemplating whether or not he should be believing that this holds everything about the Chronicles. Mormon was really a moocher and backstabber.

He got up and left to wander the hallway before going home. He needed to clear his head before he jumped in his car and decided to commit manslaughter on the road. Zayn was tapped on the shoulder and was ready to react until he saw who it was. "Hey." Siobhan tucked a piece of hair behind their ear. "Things where we last left off were..." They trailed off and shifted a bit.

"Bad yeah but I understand." Zayn crossed his arms, fixing his stance.

"I overreacted a bit and was projecting. I'm sorry in that regard but I can't forgive you for ghosting me."

"And for that I'm sorry, I should have been more clear." This was sort of awkward. He wanted to inquire about Chantelle but they weren't on terms where he could even bring up that.

"Yeah clear as glass because I felt like you wanted nothing to do with me." Not exactly. But he doesn't say it aloud, instead choosing silence over saying anything further.

Siobhan sighs deeply and looks away from Zayn. "Well let's try to fix that then shall we?" They smiled at him. Their smile is infectious. "And if you can, make time for me. Not for tutoring but let's just hang, alright." Zayn nods, returning a small smile. "I gotta go."