
Leaders of the next generation

Zayn's eyes stayed open the whole night as he felt like he messed up somewhere and was so unsure of himself. He was really doubting his situation. He couldn't shut his eyes at all and couldn't tell if he got any sleep at all. He felt like he got sleep some time through the night but he couldn't remember that. His eye bags were noticeable, they were swollen and red and he hoped people assumed he was high. He couldn't pull on his signature sunglasses that were actually his glasses but didn't want anyone to know he needed them. He stared at his reflection in his car mirror and rolled his eyes at himself as he stepped out of his car to join the zombie mob entering school.

"You look like shit." Saintclair commented passing by him with a disgusted expression spread across his face.

"Thanks." He answered, pissed off now. He was having a really bad morning and he just got here. He was immediately pulled aside by school staff and escorted to the office dazed and confused. He was sitting in a chair with a few other members of sports teams at school. The principal made her way into her tall intricately designed chair and stared at the confused students in front of her.

"Good morning leaders of the next generation. I know this is short notice but we have an assembly and as usual you have to sit on stage to show what responsible good examples you are." She was smiling but there was a glint in her eyes that threw Zayn off. This was something deeper than she was letting on.

"What is this about?" Marshall, the captain of the lacrosse team inquired. Marshall always gave off petty and disgusting, narcissistic vibes. It was something that put Zayn off from befriending him even if they seemed to hang out with the same people. He would rather stay away from anyone who spent half their day with Chantelle.

"I'm getting to that. We're having an assembly on discrimination since that's one of our biggest problems. Bullying is a big problem I keep seeing online. It's very concerning, especially what happened yesterday." She eyed them all very harshly. "Come on, follow me, the hall is filling up." They glanced at each other having the same idea while they walked through the hallway of students into the auditorium. "You know So much happens in my school under my nose and you think I don't know and you all are supposed to be leaders of the next generation yet you're always involved. What good are you? Are you just faces? Why don't you play the part? Why do you all have no sense of responsibility?" She scowled at them while looking over her shoulder. "I give yall passes because your parents can get rid of me whenever they want but you all are so horrible and it's sickening to watch you all destroy yourselves and the people around you. What good am I to be called principal when I can't even act as one? I'm not saying I hate any of you but you make me really disappointed. Tell your parents if this gets under your skin but it really needs to be said."

If Zayn thought about it he never really thought about what the principal thought. She never really got involved with anything and stayed watching on the sidelines. She really did have alot to say and this was just the tip of the iceberg. He never really liked her; he always thought she was on the wrong side of the arguments. She always sided with the privileged side. One thing he remembers was when he got in a scuffle with Chantelle back in freshman year she told him he was in the wrong and he got detention and Chantelle got nothing. It always irked him deep down.

The students all gathered into the hall while the 'leaders of the next generation sulked and felt under a harsh gaze some didn't feel before. Being reprimanded like this wasn't something they were used to and made them embarrassed. "Good Morning, Ferris Hugh's High students!" Her voice sounded completely different than earlier when she was speaking to them. It was like night and day. "We have a lot to talk about!" She smiled at the audience of students who would rather be on their phone than listen to this woman talk. "It's only tuesday but this week has been eventful already. I didn't think it would go like this." She glanced around at the bored faces and she could feel herself becoming more and more pissed off. "Our school has a problem and I know you're aware of it because you all feed into it. If you're causing it you're encouraging or watching from the side and I myself is guilty of this. I want you all to see this as a safe space and will be taking the steps to fix things." She smiled at the students awaiting applause that only came from Marceline who stood in the back of her.

"I find it revolting the discussion I see being said on my school forums intended for questions and conversation about school work and help." The students stiffened at the mention of the forums. They did forget the intent of the site and used it to mock and gossip about students. They all fell quiet and stared at the middle aged women they always looked down on. She was regarded as weak and greedy by her students and it wasn't the image she wanted but it happened.

"At this point I'm afraid to scroll on something I created. I am repulsed by this behavior." Some people began sweating in the audience and she felt great about that. "I know your parents look the other way on your behavior and expect me to do the same but I can't anymore. It's not just the forums, it's instagram, twitter even facebook. I can't police you over there but I can when it comes to my forums. If push comes to shove I will shut it down. Instagram is a mine field all in itself. I have an idea who is responsible for the Chronicles. You know who you are and trust you will be dealt with sooner or later. It is very um… alarming the things you all do to embarrass your fellow students. Private parties are supposed to be off social media yet phones find themselves there? If this is how it is I am putting a ban on these private weekend parties. How does that sound?" Immediate booing in the audience. Nobody wanted that.

"I found out about a particular video a while ago and we have been going through the ways on how to deal with this and I'm always on the side of the victim and due to biases I thought the female was the victim but I was wrong. Said female has ties to The Chronicles allegedly I am not sure. No proof about that one but trust me we are working on that one as well and she knows who she is. Everyone stared at Renee which made her recoil. She wasn't expecting the principal to bring this up. They all had the same thoughts on her and it made her feel like she was being dog-piled. "No need to name names. Next since I already rocked the boat, let's talk about entitlement and why you all call it nepotism because I got so many complaints yesterday that picking so and so is nepotism. Let's be clear you're all in the same both when it comes to money because you all have the same vacations and all go to the same summer camps. Like how many of you went to that prim aesthetically pleasing tennis camp ¾ of you don't even play or that gentlemen training thing?" Almost all the hands went up and they all looked around to see who didn't lift their hand. "Right, one thing I noticed is you all turn on the one highest on the totem pole. They get any you turn and say oh they didn't deserve that or that's nepotism. Last time I checked the only reason you're here is nepotism and money. This is an equal playing field even though money is involved. What if that person you say didn't deserve that is better than you? Should I not reward them for their hard work or talent, am I supposed to not recognize them?" It was very clear who she was referring to and it was not helping in their favor instead it was making things worse. She wasn't helping with the situation; it probably made people turn on her more. This wasn't going to be fixed by chastising other students because all she would receive is the blame. ."You're all hypocrites because at the end of the day the same can be said for you all. I don't want to cut into too much of your class time but from now on a lot of things are going to change starting with enforcing the code of conduct. I hope you all had a satisfying time because we will have an assembly like this every time you all do something that doesn't seem up to code. You're dismissed, have a wonderful day." She once again delivered that with a smile that the students now found unsettling.