

"What are you asking exactly…?" I didn't think I would be sitting next to someone who has been sitting on my playlist since the start but here I was. His music resonated with me, it was relatable. I listened to every song almost religiously, remembered every word, well some. Sitting next to my idol was something I only dreamed of. Rumor was he was a shut in so this was definitely not his scene so it made sense why he would be so far away from everyone but now that I think of it I might be disturbing.

I reached out my hand to him expecting him to not really return it but to my surprise he did.

"I am-"

"I know who you are, I've seen pictures of you circulating." He said really quickly. "You're pretty popular I guess." Ok hold up. HE KNOWS ME??? I guess my face was showing how I was feeling. "Are you okay?"

"Just surprised."

"Well I'm guessing you know me if you're approaching me. You're the only brave one I guess. People seem to be afraid of me and I guess I know why." He laughed at his own joke and I could only stare because I'm really sitting here talking to him. "Is there something you wanted to ask me? I'm guessing an autograph, hmm."

"Uh, uh yeah…" I rubbed the back as I felt guilty for bringing this up in a social setting. "Can I ask you about what exactly Mormon do?" I cringed at my own question as I watched as his face shifted to a more serious one.

"You know him, like personally?" He asked as he shifted from his relaxed position to one that seemed more stiff.

"Well… I guess so."

"I heard about the shit he's involved in and the investigation that seems to be going nowhere." He rolled his eyes. "He used to be a really good guy or so I thought but he lets jealousy and envy take over and I guess he is just deceitful and maybe spiteful. It was a lot to be honest, it started with a rumor that spread that turned into another one, that turned into whispers and lies then name calling, some shaming and bullying and then the first rumor I guess became a reality." A tear threatened to come out but he quickly got rid of it. "I don't like talking about this. It was a lot and it changed things for not just me but the people around me. I forgave him cause I'm just like that but I can't lie it affected me and I don't think I'll ever really recover. I'm still hurting and it hurts to see him still doing the same thing and I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you're one of his victims right?" I was caught kinda off guard by the question and he took that as my response.


"I'm sorry that happened. I'm glad he found his people but they seem worse than him. You seem like a really nice guy. Whatever was the reason he went after you was probably his own insecurity and I think I know which one it was. I've read about you and how you fit in this environment. You're not exactly like them but you grew up together yet the social economics doesn't affect you but for him it did more than he was letting on but like always he did everything in the background and all those rumors and those secrets being revealed was all him. I think he's jealous of the fact that even though you're nothing like everyone else you don't care and he thinks you should. From what I know his parents are thriving and he is right up there with everyone. He looks down on you despite you being him once." Did he just make his own fucking narrative? All my admiration just goes flying out the damn window.

"I guess you think you know everything huh? That's not it. You don't forgive him, it's just words. He actually gave me back my power when I needed it most. I kinda had everyone in my hands for a point in time thanks to him. I'm aware he's not trustable but even if he did resent me or whatever before I think we're cool." Not like I'm protecting Mormon or anything. He's the worst type of person but I have to thank him even though I could have done more with the flashdrive.

"I think you're stupid." He rolls his eyes at me. Who does this guy think he is? I shouldn't have come and talked to him and left things as is because he didn't even say much, he was just being vague and gave me a shit read. "Can't you see he's controlling what you think of him? He does something nice for you after he fucked you over behind the scenes. It's what he does. After he went around ruining the little reputation I had he came to me and took me out on a friendly vacation. He does that. You seem like the type to gloss over bad shit."I scoffed at his words. I'm not listening anymore. Maybe I'm overreacting because Mormon really was a bad guy but at the same time I'm grateful.

My alarm goes off giving me an excuse to leave this conversation and go change into what Saintclair gave me.

"Kill me." I say as I stare at myself reflected in the smudged bathroom mirror.

Fuck I hate this damn costume. It makes me feel awful. I can't stand to look at myself in this hood. I want to rip it to shreds and dump it. I'm cursing myself for even considering it. All I could repeat to myself is I'm wearing this as bait. How is Saintclair so sure Aaron would take the bait? All he said while I complained about this costume when I received it this morning was "I know the man's taste." What exactly is it? Is this supposed to give me a more innocent look cause all I feel is idiotic.

I stamped my way back into the Vip area where Saintclair was sipping on a coke that was disguised as something alcoholic.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!!" Saintclair bursted out laughing as I appeared in front of him. "I knew it would work but I didn't know it would be this funny!" His laughter turned into somewhat of a seisuring mess drawing attention to us. "Oh lord! I'm sorry. It's just funny. Now let's deliver you to your wolf." I'm uncomfortable. I'm cringing, I feel icky, I want this to be over already. I need to get shit faced. I grabbed a bottle off the counter and chugged it despite the burning bitterness. Fuck me.

Not even Lorel could hold in how amused she was at my situation. She came up to us shivering in laughter. "You really pull it off." She says pulling at my hood.

"This is disgusting."

"No, it's cute. You go lil red." I cringe at the nickname. "So what now? Saintclair this is your operation so directions are needed."

"I already went over it with Zayn. All he has to do is put on the charm, I'm pretty sure the costume would do like 70% of the work. Lorel you're the queen of roadside head can you-"

"No no this is embarrassing please stop. I really hate this." I'm embarrassed right now. I don't want to wear this anymore. I don't think I could do this. I really thought I could coast through but I feel overwhelmed.

"Ugh, I knew you couldn't pull it off. Anyways I always have a back up plan. Let me call them up." He turns away from us and Lorel hits my shoulder.

"You fucking dumbass. Just do it. You're losing your chance here." She expressively exclaims as she stares in the direction Saintclair walked off to. "You this is a good opportunity for closure and I'm shocked you're not seeing it that way."

"I am, I do see it that way but I'm just…" I pass a hand through my locs feeling pretty shitty right now. "Overwhelmed."

She sighs and leads me over to a chair. "I wanna help you because I think after so long this could be good for you. You know, take this somewhere or just forget about everything."

"Hey, clarify if you're out right now before the other guy gets ready to meet him." Saintclair asked as he moved his phone away from his ear.

"K, I'll do it."

"Great cause I hate the other guy." I still feel a lot of jitters in my system and I thought chugging alcohol would help but they still seem to be there. I should finish the bottle.

"Captain, can you slow down on the drinking? I want you to at least be in your right mind."

"I don't think I have the ability to do that." I held up the bottle to my face as I took a deep breath. "Let's go."

Lorel runs off to Daniela about us leaving and I look over the banister as the crowd partying below. A lot more people have appeared since we came here. I look over at the double doors that keep opening and closing on a cycle and a new crowd draws in that does not match the party theme and someone is among them.

"Why is he here?"