
Red Queen

Saleena made me remember why I was so drawn to her in the first place and seeing her a slim fitting evening gown had my head spinning. I already established I wasn't interested in her romantically but physically is a whole different question.

It's funny how it came down to 3 from 15 girls. I was surprised that Ebany still kept her head in the race. She wasn't exactly racking it in due to her ruined reputation but she still was very much confident in staying in. She looked pretty even though she was going home with nothing but a bouquet. Daniela didn't arrive yet because she said she wanted to make a grand entrance. Go big or go home right. She said something bigger than her introductory brunch dress. I have no idea how she's going to sit down at a table with something that big in the way but ok.

"Did you see what she said she was going to wear?" I asked Lorel.

"Not even a peak. She didn't want it stored at her house and all sorts of drama. I know she's going to look pretty just worried about the size." The energy was still a little off from the morning. Everyone was still invested in their phones and the drama watching lives and videos from the actors saying they didn't expect that after meeting Aaron because he seemed like such a nice guy and they were swayed by his image. Everyone was giving their opinions and piling on and since this morning I've been bombarded with questions about whether or not anything that happened in the videos happened and I refused to comment. I was even told not to attend tonight by the school and my siblings but I had to come through. I could ignore it for tonight and take the week off or something.

The media put two and two together and string together the video Renee released with Aaron's drama and it was all coming together. Now because of this the question has increased because why were they coming after such an unimportant person. It's because I'm a hurdle to more important people I guess. I just have to ignore it like it's not happening.

"Make way!" I could hear coming from outside the doors.

"I think she's here." Lorel beamed. The double doors had to both be open to accommodate the girth of the dress she was coming in with. This was different from her court colors. Her dress was blush pink and she still stayed true to the gold details. Her smile was wide and teethy as she made her way to the room. "Woah! I swear that thing is like a wedding dress."

She clinged on to Chantelle while everyone just stared at the size of the dress. How heavy was that?

"So everybody is here then?" Tiffany said over the microphone as she was replacing Aaron as the announcer since he had to make an embarrassing exit. "Can the queens please come on stage? Can everyone fit on stage?" She joked. The dress wasn't that big but definitely was like a personal space barrier. She would need a little help to climb her way up there but she could fit.

"Do you feel that?"

"Feel what?"

"A whiff of something I don't know."

"What do you mean?"

"There's something weird in the air." I couldn't tell if she meant figuratively or physically. Lorel was weird so I don't know. "Look at their faces. Why are their phones trained on stage?"

"...Because they are about to crown the queen Lorel. What else would there be?"

"I know what I feel." I feel like she was jumping to conclusions over nothing. She was maybe anxious.

"Due to a surprising overwhelming amount of votes it's very clear who the queen is." She gestured to the guy who was holding the ruby crown on a pillow to come forward. Our Queen of hearts is…" She turned and pointed to Daniela who had her eyes closed clenching on to her necklace. "Daniela Venice!" Cue the applause.

"I never expected to be here. My idea in mind was just to join and enjoy myself and be pretty but here I am winning. I'll like to than-" Lorel's hunch was right because evil minds was definitely working against Daniela tonight. It's unfortunate she would only get to enjoy her moment for 10 minutes. Red liquid splash down on her splattering all over her and some spots on the stage. Some it pitched off stage and to the sides where the other contestants moved to but of course Danie who stood in the middle received the bulk of it. She didn't expect to be humiliated this way as the whole crowd erupted in laughter and the clicking from their phone cameras. This was planned maybe for a long time and maybe her votes weren't genuine.

"IS THIS REAL PIG BLOOD!!" She screamed as she looked down at what was all over her body but nobody answered.

"Oh lord who did this?" The principal asked from another mic as she was unable to make it on stage afraid she might slip in what we think is blood. It did smell like it so it might just be. Unlike Carrie Daniela didn't have the power to blow off the heads of the people who served her an injustice.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" She screamed as she tried to wipe it off her skin. Lorel and I tried to reach out to her but the liquid was indeed slippery and I almost fell in it.

"Danie calm down." Lorel called over to her but it's like she couldn't hear that instead she dropped down to her knees and hid her head crying.

"Can someone please come help Miss Venice off stage. Security!" A few teachers clamored on stage to help her slimy wet putid substance that covered it. "Stop recording! Security! You know what, everyone OUT! Now! Security! Security, escort the students out."

"You two need to leave." A teacher said as she tried to push us off the stage.

"But she would rather us be here." Lorel said as she pointed to Daniela.


"Wait! I'm her assistant." She gave me a second look and shrugged.

"You can stay, she needs to leave."

"I need her help." She tsked as she walked off.

"Call her parents!" The principal called over the mic. "I'm going to be chastised so hard again. Why is my job so hard?"

Due to the blood soaking into the dress it made it even heavier to move. Pictures and videos of her were everywhere. She didn't come back to school until two weeks later and it all still seemed fresh. Another reason for people to make fun of her for. The school opened an investigation on who was responsible but it got nowhere and just got a lot of round about questions. Signs pointed to the remaining Chronicles members but no proof was brought forward. The school had to constantly keep their guard up and had to do so many press runs due to the amount of Drama the students were involved in. Once again the school was asked about the ethics them and their spoiled students had. The principal might as well quit at this point.

Daniela didn't just hide herself from the public but us as well. She didn't want us to see her. We came by her house many times which had many reporters standing outside it and she refused to see us. Her mother said it was traumatic for her and she needs time alone to heal. We understood that but we wanted to be there. We felt worse knowing we can't see or talk to her. All of our messages were left on read and calls unanswered. I resented everyone involved. If we knew we would have done something about it because now she was curled up in her room crying about it.

Lorel wasn't one to show emotion but she was down. She didn't even perk up at the mention of big boobs like usual. I couldn't focus on anything and found myself in a daze at times distant from everything. I could think straight, I could focus on my school work on my school work at all knowing what state she was in.

"Why are you not sleeping?" Laverne asked, knocking on my wide open door I forgot to close as I layed on my bed with my eyes wide open glued to my ceiling.

"I feel useless."

"The Venices said she might come back out to school based on how she handles this. The school and them have a dispute currently."

"I know the principal isn't in office." A few days after Daniela got blood splashed the principal was pulled out of the school by request of the royal union. It's like she saw it coming because she had a few things packed and ready to go. The crazy thing is the next principal might be worse than her. Either being strict or easily paid off.

"Seems like the school is going under. If anything happens it would be hard for these world leader children to easily make connections. It's the only reason people come to Ferris Hills. From what I heard they don't plan on taking anyone again into the school after this year's freshman batch." That's not possible. That can't be true. That makes no sense.