

Laverne had resources even if it didn't seem so and she leaked her brother's story to the press while they were going crazy over the assault at the interview. Saintclair's parents ran into school the earliest that morning and screamed at the principal who sat calmly staring at the monsters in front of her. Saintclair sat smugly in his chair with his parents looming over the principal. His eye was covered with an eye patch and his head had a different bandage. It was a small price for eliminating her as a problem. His parents pressed charges on the girl who didn't seem to have any regret. All she did was scream about how terrible he was and one thing they didn't hear was her outing him. He did and ignored it.

Her face was plastered everywhere on the internet with a wild look in her eye. Zayn came into school early that day and all he could hear was "YOU HAVE TO MAKE HER PAY FOR HER ACTIONS!!! THESE CONSEQUENCES!! CONSEQUENCES!!!" The early birds could all hear the rant. It seemed scary to hear. He saw Saintclair laughing to himself in the waiting room. Zayn didn't want his satisfaction to last so he pulled out his phone and sent all the voice recordings Mormon took and sent them to his friends.

He scrolled online and many were criticizing the school and students. He refreshed the page and a post popped up. As he kept reading and reading through he realized it was about him and anyone who knew and read it would know. They all knew about it but he didn't want that out in the public.

A scream from an early bird who was nesting in the washroom erupted. The voice belonged to Tiffany who ran out into the hallway holding up her phone. Everyone stopped to look at the wide girl who was waving her phone around. She looked around searching for Mormon. She cursed under her breathe, "That fucking bitch!" Everyone stepped back because they thought she was going to wild out like Renee but she was looking for a specific face. She spotted the boy entering the building and ran up to him startling him.

"Look at your fucking phone!" She shrugged and pulled it out. "Hook me up to the school speakers!"


"Just do it!" He shrugged again and obeyed her. She proceeded to play a voice recording of Saintclair criticizing her. "She's a dude, like I don't know who gave her the idea she is Barbie but that girl burnt plastic if you know what I mean. She not who she thinks she is and because that skank. She does way too much and it's not admirable. She jokes about people who're far ahead of because she thinks they're below. Like thank god I'm not into girls like her." he recognised his voice being playing over the speaker and ran out his parents quiet down a bit and listened as well, the principal wasn't surprised. He placed his hand on his head to watch the few who heard the message. Tiffany sprinted over to him faster than Zayn in a race and slapped as hard she can. His face burned but he didn't seem to phased.

"Where did you get that?"

"I don't know. You tell me."

"I got one too." Mormon spoke up. Aaron who was sitting in the well came down and admitted he received one as well with tears in his eye. Saintclair stared at all of them chuckling. Someone was punking him. He shook his head and gazed around him.

"Nah, who's messing with me?" Everyone seemed upset which indicated otherwise. Tiffany's phone dinged with messages talking about the voice recording from Harry, Ebany and Aubrey. "Aubrey, Harry and Ebany said they got one too." She turned to Saintclair with a million questions in mind while he mirrored the same. He felt the tension in the air. "So what if I said that?" He shrugged laughing it off. Nobody was laughing with him. Mormon shook his head in disappointment and turned the other way leaving school and passing on a satisfied smile to Zayn.

Saintclair was called back into the office before anything went off by his parents. Zayn's smile on his face at the group of friend's who seemed disappointed by another friends actions. He turned to go follow Mormon to talk but all he got was a face full of hair. Lorel pushed it away from her face and inquired about the school's tone.

"Saintclair got exposed?"

"By who?!" She asked not surprised at all.

"Some voice messages leaked or something." She noticed his amused gleam but said nothing. She pulled out her phone as they walked down the hall.

"What the fuck is this?" She creased walking and held her phone to her chest and stared at the boy in front of her.

"What the fuck is what?"

"THIS!!" She held it out to him and showed him the article that was clearly about him. "Did you know about this?" He gestured with his hand "kinda". She shook her head disappointedly. "So you published this?"

"No, It was Laverne."

"There's a possibility that someone might come out and say it's about you. The road to school is already filled with reporters." He doubted that might happen. He didn't want to think of what might happen and waved off her words. His phone rang in his back pocket. The caller id on the phone was one he didn't think would ring him personally.

"Good Morning, Mr. Venice…" He walked away from his friend who stood in her spot scrolling through her phone.

"Zayn, Meet my girl at the gate please. I hired more security."

"Alright?" He felt like this was a bit over dramatic. She didn't need any more personnel. She was safe at school with the school hired security that had an increase as well this morning.

She stood next to the tinted window car with her arms crossed and her eyes directed at the ground. She felt sort of embarrassed.

"Hey!" She gazed up at him relieved.

"Don't you think this is kinda crazy?" Her eyes gestured to the people following her.


"Like I'm in no danger. Yesterday was kinda crazy and we should have to attend school today because of what happened."

"I have a question, did you know Saintclair was gonna be there?"

"No, he has no business there."

The pair stepped foot into school and were shovel into the auditorium for a focus assembly on communication. Nobody wanted to be put into pairs and shoved into an uncomfortable conversation with someone you hardly know and if they did they didn't want to be that open.

Zayn's eyes shifted over to the boy sitting across from him. His face didn't show as much distaste he had for the guy. The mood transferred over and Christian's eyes stared back with vitriol. He opened the piece of paper he was forced to pick from a basket.

"What can make your relationship better?"

The words annoyed him. He crumbled up the colored piece of paper and tossed it at the other boy.

"It's about communication not causing an altercation." He rolled his eyes and decided to look around the room. Daniela sat with Lorel and things seemed to be going well. "

Pay attention and mind your own business." A teacher said passing by and he once again rolled his eyes.

"I hope your eyes stick in your head the next time you roll your eyes." He glared and fixed position.

"What did your paper say?"

"Admit your faults." He pulled out his piece out of his pocket and showed it to Zayn who's eyes twitched. "You want me to go first then?" Zayn shrugged in response. "I'm a messed up person and I'm sorry our friendship fell off because of me."

"You call that admittance? That's way too vague."

"Then you go then."

"I shouldn't bottle up my feelings and thoughts. I should share what I feel and I felt as if you took advantage of my kindness and friendship."

"And I'm sorry for that. I'm sorry for messing up things with you and princess." He glanced over at Daniela and Lprel happily chatting and smiled. "I hope things with you and her are fine."

"As they can be. We decided to stay friends and nothing else." Zayn's eyes also travelled over to her.

"You're saying Dani said you're better not together? I thought she thinks you're the best thing since sliced bread?" Christian scoffed.

"She doesn't think that."

"She adores you."

"Yeah I know but you're talking like she thinks I'm a god."

"Like do you like her cause she praises you or something. Like when you sleep together does she treat you like a god? You know she fakes it right? She said so." Zayn was starting to think Christian was trying to antagonize him.

"It's not my fault you can't make her finish." Christian was smiling but he could tell that pissed him off. "What's your problem?" Zayn asked, a bit put off by his energy. He seemed to have this displaced hate Zayn should be having but for some reason was lacking. Christian diverted his eyes to avoid the question. "Why do you hate me?"

"I don't hate you." Christian's tone changed. His defenses went up and he felt uncomfortable.

"Then what's wrong? Are you jealous of me or something?" He stared at his ex friend who seemed calm but his eyes were shaking. What Daniela suggested circled in his head and a reminder to that night with Aubrey came into mind.

"I'm not jealous of you… I'm kinda jealous but no offense to you. I'm just annoyed." Christian tried to swallow down the bubbling feeling inside him. "Do you think I actually wanted Daniela under me? I-"

"Wait hold up! What?"

"I wanted to know why you like her and I still don't entirely understand. I don't understand why you're both obsessed with each other. I want that."

"You're getting me seriously angry!" Zayn put his hands up for him to stop. He tilted his head back and tried to calm down but he could feel his hands balled into fist. "You didn't like her?"

"I wanted to know what it would feel like to be with you." Zayn shut down. He stared at the boy in front of him both infuriated and confused. What he was saying wasn't making any sense to him. "I like you."