Chapter Sixty: Reunion

They were relieved and surprised when the two armies they were heading towards came into view. The main vampiric army's camp looked the same as the other, with large tents, sentries, and the banner of the Nation of Blood being flown everywhere it could, a black flag with the sigil of a pair of fangs with a drop of blood in red. But it was the humans camp that looked different; instead of simple tents, the camp had been surrounded by a ten foot wall of wooden stakes, with a deep looking trench dug all around it. The only way into the camp, more like a fort now, was two draw bridges on either side, and he would bet that the trenches were filled with something nasty, like wooden spikes; it seemed like something Midnight would come up with. This fort was not here when they passed through the empire months ago, so they must have built it recently.