Chapter Eighty Four: Reunion

Elaine stared at the sight of the burned remains of the city of Valium before her, slowly absorbing it as the army stood around her and did the same. It was not what they were expecting to find when they made their way here, and it was not hard to guess what happened. Jack told her that he was in Valium, and now only ashes and charred wood remained. She knew that he had grown more powerful over the years alongside her, but this was hard to wrap her head around. He destroyed an entire city with easily thousands of citizens and soldiers in it. Did he...kill everyone, including the children and slaves? Was he gravely injured in the process? Did he not want her to interrupt him, and that is why he told her to not worry about him? So many thoughts were flying around in her head, and she had no way to answer them at the moment, as the destroyed city was keeping its secrets.