
Chapter 4: Flame vs. air

"What do you mean you're not my target?".

*akira slowly stand up*.

*puffing* "do you have a certain enemy?".


*kaze replied*


*akira said*

"..kanji hitodama"

*kaze said with pure anger*

"kanji? what do you have against him?".

"everything now shut up and just give up".

*kaze runs towards akira getting ready to punch him*.

"yeah like i'll give up that easily".

*akira said*.

*kaze then tries to land a straight punch at akira but akira blocks it with his arm*

*wind blows at the impact*

"tsk your annoying".

*kaze said*

*akira backs off*

(her punch almost breaks my bone,not only that her fighting art is strong but she is also very strong in hand to hand combat...this is not gonna be good).

*akira thought*

"well then how about this flame arts: flame blitz".

*akira launches 6 small fire balls at kaze*

"art of the fiery hurricane:jet stream"

*kaze then deflects the 6 fireballs by slicing to the air creating a huge knockback to the fireballs launching them to the air hitting the roof*

"no way".

*akira said*

"your flame tricks wont work on me akira".

*kaze said*

"*puff* well then guess i have to hit a lady with my own fist".

*akira said*

"go ahead and impress me".

*kaze said*

flame arts:eruption"

*akiras arms and legs begins to be covered with fire*

"lets do this".

*akira said*

*akira runs towards kaze*

art of the fiery hurricane:air blast

*kaze then begins to launch a gust of wind by punching to the air*

*akira then serpentined to avoid the gust of wind*

*gust of wind miss akira and hits the ground*


"take this!".

*akira then leaps and start to spin*

"what the hell is he doing".

(by spinning like this,thi hit will be critical if it lands)

*akira thought*

*akira then stops spinning*

"what did you do?".

*kaze ask*

"when i launch my attack at you earlier it merges with you tornado and it makes the fire much larger and stronger".

"so what are you planning?".

"if im understanding this correctly if i spin constantly the air will roll over my body creating my eruption more powerful!".

"so this will be a finishing blow!".

*kazes eyes got wide*

(this is bad).

"eat this!".

*akira then drops and run towards kaze ready to kick her*

art of the fierce hurricane: barrier

flame art:inferno launch

*kaze create a wind barrier around her*

akira launch a powerful burning kick to kazes barrier destroying it and launching her far and hard to the ground*


*kaze rolls to the ground*


*akira starts to kneel*

(damn that took a lot of energy)

*akira thought*

*kaze stands up*

"i *puff* can't lose here"


*kaze said*

"tell me kaze what grudge do you hold from kanji?".

*akira ask kaze*


"fine i'll tell you".

"1000 years ago a god wanted to choose the 4 strongest clans from the world...and my clan wants to be chosen,but we have a competitor the hitodama clan,the hitodama clan is the yamazakis clan enemy for a long time so to know which of the 2 clans will be chosen the god set a fight between the leaders of the hitodama clan and the yamazaki clan and in the end of the fight the leader of the hitodama clan won and end up being chosen by the god,and after that our leader was disowned by his own people and rejects his blood line for centuries...and i am the descendant of the old leader of the yamazaki clan...since i was a child my parents were often get beaten by our own clan members and not long after they died by the hands of my own clan...so today i want to seek revenge to the hitodama clan for what they did".

"so i beg of you akira homura surrender so i can get ny revenge on kanji".

*kaze said*

"well i feel bad for you...but first of all hana is totally gonna win against kanji and second of all you must forgive him he hasn't done anything kaze you must see that"

"*sigh* no akira it's hes fault so i must kill him don't get in my way or i have no choice but to end you aswell".

"told you before kaze im gonna win this fight".

"so be it".

art of the fiery hurricane: death cut

*kaze then launch a gust of wind sharp enough to cut through stone*

flame art: incenerate

*akiras flame and kaze wind attack hit each other and explodes*

*akira and kaze started to run towards each other*

*akira tries to land a right hook,kaze duck and tries to land a straight punch to akiras stomach,akira catches the punch and tries to axe kick kaze,kaze then blocks it with her arm and then both let go of each other and back off*


*kaze run towards akira*

art of the fiery hurricane:wind fist

*kaze starts to punch towards akira creating a gust of fist*

*akira blocks the gust of fist with his arms but got knock down*

"damn it ".

*akira said*

*akira stands up*

"why are you so determined?".

*kaze ask*

"because *puff* i have a promised to someone".

"i see...well forgive me for being the reason for breaking your promise".

*akira puffing*

"i will end it here".

*kaze said*

art of the fiery hurricane:wind fist

*kaze creates another gust of fist towards akira*

"*puff* this will be my last chance".

*akira said as he stares at kaze*

flame art

"akira then grabs his right hand at the wrist and aim it at kaze".

(what is he trying to do).

flame art:devils flare!

*akira then launches a huge flame blast towards kaze destroying the gust of fist that is heading towards akira*

"this is bad!".

*kaze said*

art of the fiery hurricane: barrier

*kaze creates another wind barrier around her*

*the huge flame blast hit kaze destroying her barrier and launching her out of the stage to through the wall*


*kaze screams*

*akira puffing*

"i did it".

*akira then falls down and went unconcious*

4 hours later.

at the medical room of the arena.

*akira waking up*

"what...what happen?".

"sir please rest a little bit longer you are very injured".

"did...did i win the match?".

*akira ask the doctor*

"yes mister homura you are gonna fight to the finals".

*the doctor replied*

"phew thats good".

*akira close his eyes with pure relief*

"wait a minute".

"who won from stage 2?".

*akira ask*

"oh the winner from that match is...".

"..kanji hitodama".

*akira with a shock expression*


"doc where's hana moriko right now?".

"oh she was at the other medical room a minute ago but the nurse said she went home".


*phone rings*

*doctor answers the phone*


"ahh yes he is here wait a second".

"mister homura a phone call for you".

*akira grabs the phone*


"akira this is me".

"huh who are you?".

"its torashi kagami".

*torashi said while driving a car*

"huh torashi what do you want this time".

"listen we need to meet up from the same streets the we first met".

"huh why the hell would i go there".

"because akira,hana moriko went missing".


4 hours ago at second stage

"wha...what do you mean im not your target".

*hana ask*

"i have a grudge to someone".

*kanji said*

"someone?..no don't tell me..".

"akira homura".

*kanji says angrily*

"what..what do hold against akira?"

"he was the one responsible for my clans extinction".

"what...what do you mean?"

"the homura and the hitodama clan were rivals since 1000 years ago,and hes clan was the one who murdered all of my family 16 years ago..and as the last survivor of the hitodama clan i will kill akira homura".

"no...akira didn't do anything why would you kill him".

"because he's a damn homura".

"no i will not let you hurt him".

"sigh don't make me do this moriko".

"im gonna stop you".

*hina said*

*hana then run towards kanji and tries to straight punch him to the face*

"take this!".

*kanji easily catches the punch*

"last chance hana i don't wanna hurt you".

*kanji said*

"i will not let you hurt him!".

"so be it".

*kanji then punch hana to the stomach with his left arm and then punches her away with his right arm*

*hana hits the ground*


*kanji then leaps and gets ready to punch hana from the ground*

"*puff* i have to use it".

*hana said*

art of the pink blossom:petal rush

*hana then blast hard pink petals towards kanji*

*kanji then blocks it with his arms but the force makes him drop to the ground had enough breaking the ground*

"*puffing* she's strong".

*kanji said*

*from an office somewhere atlas is watching the fight*

"hmm looks like todays fighters are quite strong...this is getting exciting".

*atlas said as he sips redwine*

back at the fight.

*kanji slowly standing up*

"i will protect akira!".

*hana said*

"tsk what a waste of words".

*kanji said*

*kanji then dash so fast at hana that she didn't even see him*

"what where did he?.."

"over here moriko".

*hana looks behind*

*kanji then lands a side kick to hanas face dropping her to the ground*


"that will end it".

*kanji said*



*hana stands up*

"you will not lay a finger at him".

*hana said*

*hana then dash forward and punch kanji to the chest*


*kanji kneels holding his chest*

"i..told you...just give up!".

*kanji yelled*

"sorry..but i have to keep my promised".

*hana said*

art of the pink blossom: pink petal devastation!

*hana then lift his right arm up and creates 5 huge sharp pink petals and launches it to kanji*

"i will win!".

*hana yelled*


"flame art...".

"fire fang!".

*kanji then launches to huge blue flame towards hana*

*hana shocked*

*as both attacks hit each othe it created a huge explosion to the ring*


*the announcer said*

*as the smoke clear out you see hana out of the ring with a little blue burns at her clothes and she's unconcious*

*while kanji is standing at the ring with many cuts on his jacket and a huge cut on his right shoulder and he is also unconcious*

at the hidden office.

*atlas drops his glass of redwine*


back at the stage.

"the winner for the stage 2 battle is kanji hitodama!".

*the announcer said*

*people from around the world got amazed from the fight that they watch from the tv*

4 hours later.

"what!?,what the hell do you mean hana is missing?!".

*akira said loudly to torashi*

"listen just meet me at the street that we first met and i'll tell you everything".

*torashi said*

"damn it".

*akira slams the phone*

(hana...where did you go?)

*akira thought*

as the semi finals ends rain starts to pour.

"thankyou for treating me".

*akira thanks the doctor and bows at him*

"no problem kid".

akira then left the medical room and starts finding the exit from the arena.

*akira looking around*

"there it is, the exit!".

*akira then finds the exit and leaves the arena*

*akira running*

"damn it's raining".

*akira then cover his head with his hoodie*

*akira stops running and looks around*

"a taxi!".

*akira run towards the taxi*

"sir can you go to kichijoji sun road st.?".

*the taxi driver nodded*

*akira gets in the taxi*


*akira then gets a flashback about him and hana making a promise that they will fight at the finals*

"please be okay".

"sir we're here".

*the taxi driver said*

"thanks uhm oh shit i don't have any money".

"that's okay mister akira this one is on the house".

"huh how did you know my name?".

"well duh you were at tv from the tournament".

"to be honest i am a huge fan of yours i hope you win the tournament".

"oh uhm thankyou".

"well have a good day now akira".

*the taxi drives off*

*akira runs towards the spot were he met



"there you are".

*torashi said while leaning on his car*

"okay torashi im here tell me everything".

"okay listen up, im a detective ive been investigating this event for 3 years now and everytime this tournament happen the top 3 fighters always went missing and i think its happening again".

"wait...your a detective?".

"yeah i tried to win this year competition to know who's behind this missing people but...you beat,so i am asking for your help to find the person behind this and stop him".

"okay i'll help you".

"good so here's the plan while you compete from the finals i'll sneak inside the arenas rooms and investigate".

"wait why do i have to compete,why dont we just go there together now?".

"because the person behind the kidnapping will be watching your fight,it will distract them and it will buy me some time to find answers for this, got it".

"hmm okay i understand".

"okay lets do this".

while this was happening kanji is walking from an alley way.


*kanji walking*

"aren't you fully healed yet kaze?".

*kanji turns around and saw kaze glaring at him*

"my opportunity from the tournament failed so now im taking the risk to kill you right here and now!".

*kaze said*

"*sigh* you just can't give up dont you".

"tsk i've been waiting to kill you for years!,

