Chapter 17

"I've been trying all month to get the time for the trip," Lucas babbled, somewhat pathet--forcefully. "But the Slades never answered my letters." And now that maybe he knew why, it made him even angrier. "And there was always something else cropping up, and it isn't like they were going to be handfasted tomorrow, and damn me to the Netherworld, I should never have gone out pubbing last night, there are so many other things I should've been doing, I should've--"

"Lucas, calm down." Alex gave Lucas a bit of a shake. "You are one person trying to do the jobs of ten. I want none of this blaming-yourself rubbish, especially when we don't even know yet if there's blame to be had." His mouth set in a thin line. "For anyone but Slade, that is. Breaking off a courtship with a bloody post, for pity's sake."

Lucas had to stare for a second. Alex looked so ungodly sexy when his blue eyes flashed like that. Like a walking aphrodisi--