Chapter 19

"NO, SIR, I'm quite certain there've been no new guests," said Miss Hensley, whose given name happened to be Tegan. Lucas knew this because it had taken Alex five seconds and a winning smile to get her to volunteer it. Lucas might have growled and rolled his eyes, but he was too busy glaring Laurie into submission.

Alex huffed disappointment. "And have you seen anyone about? Very light blond hair, tall?"

"And he dresses funny," Lucas volunteered, "and he speaks in tongues," then he shut his mouth when Miss Hensley and Alex both looked at him with raised eyebrows. Lucas stared back. Had he slurred it or something? Did he have something on his face? He reached up to check... oh. Right. The new plaster. Now *no* one was going to believe he hadn't been brawling.