WHEN THEY crested the top of the small hillock surrounding the dell in which the stables sat, it wasn't hard to pick out the gilded head of Parry outside in the yard, along with... oh no. That was Auntie Del watching Parry hitch a carriage to a docile little bay. Parry was still treating the buttons of his shirt like they were ironic suggestions. Which wouldn't have been so bad if Auntie Del hadn't been so obviously *looking*.
Lucas thought leaning over in the saddle and throwing up would probably not be a very good way to make an entrance.
The bay whickered cheerfully when she noticed the approach of her stallmates. Saffron whiffed a soft salutary noise in return while Bramble danced a little at her side then ran ahead. With a happy yelp, Bramble preceded Lucas and Alex into the stable's yard, stopping politely--politely! Bramble!--to receive a pat on the head from Auntie Del before greeting the bay.