"AND YET again, I have no idea what I'm looking at." Alex flipped the pages of the book he'd been studying, his black fringe fluttering against his brow in the breeze he stirred. "Or for." He shut the book and peered up at Lucas. "Hey, get down from there. What d'you think you're doing? You're going to fall and break your neck!"
Lucas merely reached... a little... farther.... "Ha! Got it." He carefully slid the book from the shelf and let his feet settle more firmly on the top rung of the ladder. "Don't fret. I do this all the time."
"You should see him when he needs something from under the turret's rafters." Laurie glanced up from his own book as Lucas made his way down the ladder. He flicked a look up to the ceiling. "Could smash his skull from up there."
"Oh good." Alex crossed his arms over his chest. "*Put* ideas in my head."
"Rafters are a good place to store scrolls," Lucas said, mostly to himself.