Chapter 71: Confrontation, Part 2

You could cut the air with a knife.

On one end, Bob sat poised, steely-eyed but calm as a summer breeze. Next to him, Tengku, a picture of serenity, grinning at Jade.

On the other end, Reginald and Jade stood, shaking in both shame and anger, with apprehension and lingering doubts in their eyes.

‘Here’s what I want, Reggie. Listen carefully,” Bob said in no uncertain terms.

“You will no longer take care of Grandpa. I will appoint a caregiver and doctor. In fact, I do not want you anywhere near him. Neither of you.”

The Will is to be revoked and Grandpa will write a new Will based on what he wants. An independent and neutral party shall be named executor. You will no longer be the legal counsel for the Tang estate, and your power of attorney will be terminated.”

And, lastly, I want you both to move out immediately. A new team of caregivers will be hired and I’ll have people I trust quartered in the house to take care of Grandpa.”

Bob glared at Reginald and Jade.