Chapter 12

In the safety of the Witch's house, the black kettle whistled its piercing tune as she prepared three cups of tea.

"It is perfectly normal as you gain the attributes of your Companion to have little control of what you do. Give it time and grow close to Snow Bringer, he will help you make sense of it all." She looked up over Cedric's shoulder as the Hunter walked through the door, holding a long bundle wrapped loosely in white fur. Cedric rose and faced him as the Hunter held the parcel out for the knight to take.

"This, Cedric, was your father's. It was entrusted to me after his death, and you are now ready to wear it at your side." The fur covering fell open to reveal a white metal sheath, twisting ancient words etched down the middle and sapphire jewels decorating the sides. A thick hilt sat beside it, equally adorned but missing a blade as if it was broken off cleanly.