Chapter 12: Anita

"So, what do you like to do in your free time?"

I was surprised he was talking to me. Hell, I was surprised he'd driven all this way just to pick me up for school. I'd even wondered if I was dreaming and pinched my arm just outside the door before I jumped in, and I was subtly rubbing the small red mark.

"I read," I said after a minute. My tone sounded normal, but I couldn't be any further from calm. My heart was beating wildly in my chest, but I was a better actor than I thought.

"What do you read?"

"Um," I frowned, thinking quickly. "I'm in the mid-dle of a book called Christine right now. I circle different authors, and when I find ones I like, I go through the backlist, but not all at once, and I'm back on Stephen King for now. After that one, I'll read Carrie and The Shining, then find something else to read."