Chapter 12: S1 Hidden: They're Not Human

Sophia Mahoney

Soft footsteps approach, drumming against the hardwood floor. Fear grips her, squeezing her chest. She holds her breath, and her body tenses.

Fuck. They're coming back. What the hell do I do now?

Her phone lights up in the front pocket of the shirt. She ignores it and grips the bat tighter.

A dark figure steps through the doorway.

Pivoting on the balls of her feet, she repositions her body and opens her stance. Slowly, she draws in a deep breath, then swings the bat.

The intruder ducks, then spins around. He's quick and agile on his feet; he has cat-like reflexes.

Thud! The bat slams into the doorframe. Her body shakes from the recoil of the solid hit, and she almost drops the bat. Her hand throbs, but she ignores the pain radiating up her arm. She draws the wooden weapon over her shoulder, preparing to take another swing.