Chapter 19: S1 Hidden: All-Consuming

Sophia Mahoney

"Give me a minute." He sets her on a bench right inside the dark room.

A dim stream of lit does little to help her see beyond five or six fee.

Seconds tick by, then several overhead lights come on, right at first, and then they dim to a soft purple-blue glow.

"Is that better?" His eyes travel to the unbuttoned shirt, which exposes her abdomen and part of a breast.

"Yes." She nods her head. "Thanks."

Warmth heats her cheeks, and she pulls the garment over her chest, which makes him chuckle.

He removes his watch and sets it inside a bowl sitting on a small table, then adds his wallet along with a set of keys.

Now that her eyes have adjusted to the dim, ambient lighting, she glances, taking in the area.

The inside of Aden's bedroom has a modern contemporary feel. While lived it, the area still has an almost showroom feel to it, or something you'd see gracing the pages of a home fashion magazine.