Chapter 27: S2 Wisdom: Trust Me

Sophia Mahoney

The hallway adjacent to his bedroom is cloaked in darkness, allowing shadows to snake about. Looking around, she doesn't see a light switch.

She listens for any sound of life and hears nothing, not even outside ambient noise from the streets or day-to-day commuters.

It's so quiet in Aden's apartment, it brings to mind the staged model home displays at furniture stores early in the morning just before most shoppers arrive. Frequenting the local stores was something that she and her Uncle Hugo used to spend time doing.

Some people like to pass by clothing stores and specialty places like candle stores, electronic centers, and shoe outlets and window shop, but not her. She used to love to view and try out all the latest furniture arrivals.

Stepping into the empty living room, a flood of light blinds her. The sun is shining through the wall of windows that she recalls seeing last night, only the view then had been dark.