Chapter 35: S2 Wisdom: Rage Boils

Aden Clarkson

A racing heart booms in his ears - it's Sophia's - and as fast as it now races, he's sure it's working overtime to flood her body with cortisol, forcing her into a fight or flight state. And right now, he's not sure which of the two emotions she'll pick.

Her emotions swirl around her like an F10 tornado. And like the ÔHand of God,' he has a feeling if left alone, she and destruction would become tight bed-fellows - something he can't allow.

His inner beast draws in the spicy-sweet scent of her life essence, which draws his eyes to her mouth.

Blood beads on her lower lip. The crimson dot only compounds the growing anger bubbling under the surface of his skin.

"But they took it. I have to get it back." Sophia struggles to pull free of his embrace. "It's all I have."