Chapter 37: S2 Wisdom: Don't Even Think About It!

Aden Clarkson

"Not another word." Sophia spins around and shoots a fiery gaze Aden's way, then turns her attention to what she called the miniature horse just moments ago. "Since it seems I don't have a choice, once again, is he at least housebroken?"

"Of course he is." Logan pats the dog on the head. "He's been through extensive training."

"I'm sure." Sophia balls her fists next to her sides. "Is he your pet?"

"Yeah." Logan nods. "He accompanies some of my men during high-level security details."

"Okay, guys. Why is he here?" Sophia plops down in the middle of the couch. "I'd prefer the short version of the story. You know the cliff notes."