Chapter 68: S3 Betrayal: Cat and Mouse

Aden Clarkson

Out of the corner of his eye, Aden sees movement under the surface of the water. He swims halfway to the bottom and listens. As Sophia draws near, he moves out of her direct path. He wants to enjoy this game of cat and mouse because the prize is well worth the wait.

Sophia swims toward the waterfall. But before she reaches her destination, Aden lightly grips her ankle, then releases her. She twists around, then swims toward the deeper end of the pool.

The deeper she swims, her movements slow.

Aden listens to the beat of her heart. It slows, then picks up speed. It's as erratic and unpredictable as her movements in the water.

Fuck. What the hell am I thinking? She's swimming with a concussion?

Aden cuts through the water. He reaches out, wraps an arm around her waist, and then he pulls her to his frame.

She twists, trying to break free. But he immobilizes her in a bear hug, then carries her to the surface of the water.