Chapter 72: S4 Redemption: Let Me Explain

Sophia Mahoney

Standing in the doorway of her uncle's office, Sophia takes in the room.

Uncle Hugo's worn leather chair is pushed against the desk. The room smells of Vanilla Cream. She steps into the office, and the sweet aroma permeates her nose. It's a smell she's associated with her uncle since she was a child.

The aromatic blend makes her feel at home. Sophia sits on his chair and grips the hard rubber handles. Her eyes scan the items on his desk and come to rest upon a small brown and cream-colored square tin.

She lifts the container, and her fingers tremble. Gently, she eases the top off. Sophia closes her eyes and takes a slow, deep breath. The sweetness of the vanilla masks the bitter bite of the tobacco. Right now, she'd give anything to smell her uncle's pipe - to have him here with her.