Chapter 82: S4 Redemption: A Reprieve

Aden Clarkson

Narrowing his eyes, Aden takes in the doctor's full frame. His black loafers turn inward. He's pigeon-toed. The man is soft, overweight, and only a puppet.

"If he so much as touches another hair on Aden's head, or any of my friends, for that matter, he'll never see another word on the pages of Wisdom ever again. Of that, I promise." Sparks of light dance on the tips of Sophia's fingers. "And you can tell him I said that."

"You will unlock the pages for him or else." Dr. Lawrence extracts a silver-colored pen syringe from his pocket.

Aden strains against the restraints, and the shackles around his wrists heat up, burning his flesh. He groans, then grabs the chain between his hands and pulls. The cuffs spring open and fall to the floor. Drawing in a deep, cleansing breath, Aden stands. He makes it across the room before Dr. Lawrence can reach the door.