Chapter 88: S4 Redemption: The Unknowns

Aden Clarkson

The office is dark, like his mood. It's as black as the deep depths of an unknown abyss that conceals the known unknowns of the world - his world. But Aden doesn't care because there're things he knows beyond a shadow of a doubt.

Why did she leave the party, more importantly, why did she leave him? The two-part question weighs heavily on his mind.

A surge of anger courses through him, and he turns inward, allowing the beast to roam free, but only a bit.

His beast knows every square inch of the confines of this room, his place, by memory. The lines and grooves in walls, the pixel-shaped holes littering the ceiling; he knows them as well as he knows the lines on the back of his hands. But what he doesn't know is why Sophia fled.

He paces in front of the filing cabinet in the far corner of the room, then clicks on a small LED lamp. A soft glow washes through the office.