04 | Evil Mom and Hot British Boys

When I reach home I immediately escape to my room knowing mother's at yoga and father most likely won't be coming home today. I get the pizza that I bought on the way and hungrily eat it.

Fuck it's so good.

I get a notification and see it's another person requesting to follow me.

I go through my instagram and just see fake smiles and fake friendships. My latest picture is with Bryson at the beach and he has his hands around my waist and we were laughing. Gosh it's so fake I mean we had to fake laugh to get the 'perfect couple' picture.

I don't like him and honestly I don't think he likes me too it's all for clout. I know he's sleeping with both Molly and Yung. But it's fine I'm happy not sleeping with a walking STD.

My most liked picture is the one with my parents we were at father's annual ball. Mother and I were twinning in maroon dresses but mine had a slit on the right thigh while mother's didn't. Then father was in an all black suit with a maroon tie. We looked like the perfect family with dad in the middle and he's hands around mother and I's waists.

Then my favourite picture is with Molly and Yung. We had had a sleepover at Molly's and we were all drunk as hell it is one of the few happy memories I have with them when we are talking about normal things like college and marriage and our futures not who's dating who and who cheated on who.

I look at my 35k followers and scoff why would people like me I'm horrible. I throw my phone to the side and go and to my vanity table. My face is so caked with makeup I can hardly remember how I look with it. I take it off and look at my reflection.

'You're nothing without that make up on your face Cassandra,' Mother screamed at me once for only putting on lip balm.

I undress and go and shower. I take a long warm shower and when I get out I look at my reflection in the mirror. Now all my bruises are showing. I hate my body.

I hear mother's voice and hurriedly hide the pizza under my bed.

"Cassandra," Mother shouts.

"Bedroom mother," I say and she immediately enters my room.

"God Cassandra you're growing fat," she says in disgust and resist the urge to roll my eyes.

"What do you need?" I ask instead.

"I have a guest coming over don't disturb us," she says and leaves the room. My mum has men and women in the house everytime. I don't know if father knows but I think he does. This perfect little family died with Courtney.

The only time we have dinner together is when we have important guests over to potray the perfect family we once were.

"Wouldn't wish to anyways," I mumble.

I put on my pyjamas and pop two sleeping pills.


"Cassandra! Cassandra! Cassandra!" I hear my name being called in my sleep and then I realize I'm not dreaming mother's repeatedly banging on my bedroom door. The one time I get an almost good night's sleep I'm woken up.

I look at the clock and see that it's just 5:00 am. What the fuck does she want?

"Cassandra get your lazy fatass out of that bed. Your trainer is here. You need to lose those pounds you have gained," she shouts and then I hear her retreating footsteps.

What the hell.

I get out of the bed and put on my biker shirts and sports bra then go to the gym.

My stomach rumbles and I groan. I enter and already see my trainer on the treadmill. I join her but after twenty minutes I begin feeling lightheaded.

"Are you good Cass?" Michelle-the trainer asks.

"Yes, she is. She just needs water," mother answers for me.

"Well ok. If she don't feel fine you can tell me and we shall stop here," She says sweetly and I nod my head.

We continue our intense workout and when we are doing sit ups I feel my energy drain and my eyes feel really heavy.

"Cass, Cass, Cassand_" that's the last thing I hear before I feel my head hit the mat.

I wake up to my alarm beeping and realize that it's 7:15 and I need to get ready to go to school. The last thing I remember is doing sit ups.

I shower using my favourite lavender bath wash and then do my make up plus cover up my bruises. I put on the outfit mother picked out for because apparently I dress like a hobo. She picked out leggings and a thin strapped bralette which is completely lace and black Gucci heels. I finish the look off with my signature red matte lipstick.

I go down to kitchen and find Ruth.

"Hey Ruth," I greet her with a peck on the cheek.

"How are you sweetie?" she asks. "I've had better days to be honest," I shrug snd look around for food but see nothing.

"Where's the breakfast?" I ask.

"I'm sorry Cassie-"

"Whatever. I'm not hungry anyways, I'll just have an apple and some water," I cut her off with a tight lipped smile.

"Here are your vitamins honey,"

"Thanks Ruth. Bye!" I say and head to my car.

Mother makes me take energy boosters so that I don't have to eat and add weight. It's so stupid all shapes and sizes are fine.

I reach school and head to my locker where I find the girls, "Hey bitches," I greet. We talk about the usual who's dating who, who smashed who, useless shit in general.

"Guys I have to go," I say to them.

"Where to?" Molly asks.

"Fuck off Molly don't fucking question me," I snap to her with a nasty glare and her lips tremble in fear.

"I'm sorry," She mutters.

"Back to your shit bitches," I shout at every one as wave my hand dismissively since the whole hallway was quiet and everyone was listening to me shout at Molly. They quickly go back to what they were doing and I walk to the basement.

I sit on the dirty floor and take out my phone and blast music through my AirPods. I check my bag for my novel and I find a paper bag with food.

God bless Ruth.

I take it out and take the first bite and literally moan at how good the chicken sandwich is. I'm so invested in my food that I don't even hear the basement door open or the footsteps until I open my eyes and see Hathaway staring at me in shock.

"Want some?" I say with a mouthful. I quickly realize what I have done and swallow my food.

"Sorry," I say with a sheepish smile but she is just looking at me like I have grown two heads.

"What? Is there Mayo on my face," I ask with a small laugh while cleaning my face.

"No it's just that wow- IneverthoughtI'dseethequeenbeelikethis," She rushes out.

"Surprise surprise babe," I let out a humorless laugh.

"Sit down. Want some of my sandwich?" I ask again with a bright smile. She sits across me and shakes her head no.

"Oh no thank you. It's literally all my mum feeds me at home," She laughs and I can't help but frown a bit.

Why can't mother be like that?

"Did I say something wrong?" She asks I'm concern.

"No not all. You're just extremely lucky." I say with a smile and she smiles back.

"Thanks a lot for helping me yesterday,"

"Hey I couldn't let you bleed out and die on my watch," I laugh and continue, "This face belongs on a magazine not a mugshot." She laughs with me then she suddenly stops.

"You're so nice and your voice is-"

"I know," I cut her off.

"You don't look like the skipping class type," I quickly steer the topic to her.

"Looks are deceiving," she shrugs.


"Where did you transfer from?" I ask curiously.

"England. I actually moved here with my twin brother and his best friend," She explains and I nod.

"Where are they though I haven't seen any new boys,"

"Sometimes I think they are allergic to school,"

"Don't they want to graduate?"

"They are really smart they just get everything just by looking at a book once. Quite unfair if you ask me," She says and I laugh.

"I like you," I smile at her and she smiles back.

"The prettiest being I've ever seen likes me. I'm unstoppable," She jokes and I laugh.

"Pretty? This is all make up babe. But you wow! You're so stunning with all that natural glow. Even in your baggy clothes you still look pretty," I tell her in a low voice.

But before she can say something she receives a text.

"It's my brother he decided to come to school today," She rolls her eyes.

"Can I tell him where I am,"

"It's not my school," I laugh and immediately stops when she raises her eyebrow at me.

"Just tell him where you are," I smile and take a bite out of my sandwich.

"He'll be here in a few with his best friend,"

We seat in comfortable silence and then the door busts open.

"It's so dark in here," a deep voice with the strongest British accent says and I almost choke on my sandwich.

"You can keep the accent down Mr. Wants To Steal Every Girl," another sexy voice says and you can hear the eye roll in the voice.

"Kiki," the first voice shouts.

"Here," Hathaway says back.

A flash goes on and I hear the footsteps coming down. They stop in front of Hathaway and all I see is there backs. Strong nice backs. Fucking hell. Can they both fuck me.

"How were you in the dark you're a bloody pussy when it comes to darkness," the blonde asks with a laugh.

Can they turn and I see there faces already. That laugh alone is perfect.

"Shut up Jay," Hathaway rolls her eyes with a small blush. "I was with a fri- I mean this is Cassandra," She quickly stops herself from saying friend and I frown but I understand. I just thought we could be friends. But you don't always get what you want in life. They turn around only then noticing that there was someone else in the room. I look away from Hathaway and I fucking choke on air.

What the fuck this is embarrassing. They are so hot. Fuck.

"Are you fine?" the blonde asks. "Yes," I clear my throat.

"Hey, I'm Jake, but call me Jay," He smiles at me and my eyes almost tear at the beautiful site. He has blonde hair and the greenest eyes ever. And his lips! So pink and plump. His face is scattered with freckles and that just adds on to his beauty.

Can you have my babies?

"Cassandra, but everyone calls me Cass," I smile back confidently.

"You're very pretty Cassandra," Jay says and I smile even harder. "Thank you, you're really hot too,"

"That's exactly what I told her," Hathaway smiles at me.

I turn and look at the dark haired boy who looks a lot like Hathaway.

"Cass," I stick my hand out for him and he looks at it for a while before taking it.

"Kion," he nods. God he's fine. Like 'I'm dangerous' fine.

He has black hair and ocean blue eyes. I repeat fucking ocean blue eyes. And he's lips are pink and full, he looks like he just walked out of a magazine. He's big like muscle every fucking where, how is an 18 year old this fine?

"This is my twin and his best friend," Hathaway says pointing at Kion then Jay.

"This sounds mean and shit but what's your name babe?" I ask Hathaway.

"Kiara but call me Kia," She smiles.

"Well Kia, I have to go," I say and grab my bag.

I pull her in for a hug and whisper in her ear, "Fucking speak about this to any one and I will end you." I feel her still in my arms and I feel bad but this has to be done. Mother will kill me if she finds out.

"Nice meeting you boys," I wave at them with my usual bitch tone.

"See you after class Kiara," I say and wink at her and she visibly trembles.