17 | Vegas Baby 2.0

After getting through 2 episodes of Brigerton I decide to get ready. I shower and then put on black leggings and a white tube top with black Yeezys then I tie my hair up in a cute messy bun. I didn't do a full face of make up only concealer and red lip gloss.

I head out and find D on the phone in black sweats and a black shirt "Ready to head out?" he asks and I nod.

"I hope you have money on you," he smirks and I check my waist bag. I have 2000 dollars because yesterday we didn't touch any of our money.

"I have 2000 dollars," I say.

"I have just received 50k," he smirks and my eyes widen.

"You didn't have that much money yesterday," I look at him suspiciously.

"I won the poker games," he smirks then heads out and I follow him. "Playing with rich egotistic jerks is great." He adds.

"So you're going to blow all that tonight?" I ask and he laughs.

"Of course not. Only like 10K. The strippers deserve it," he says and I agree with him.

"Do you even save?" I ask with a small laugh.

We enter the car and begin our journey.

"Actually I do. Remember I fight so that's like 5k a week, including my black card which has coming to a million dollars and then I have another credit card where I deposit 3k every month since I was 16, that's my savings card, just incase I go broke," he explains and I nod.

"But then you have spent a lot since we got here haven't you been touching your savings," I say.

"Black card," he laughs.

"What I don't get is what you do with all that extra money," I say and he looks at me like he doesn't understand.

"I mean like you don't go to Vegas everyday, you don't buy cars every day and you obviously don't buy clothes. So what do you do with all the money on your black card and the money you get from matches?" I elaborate.

"If I have around 20k from matches by the end of the month, I put 5k in my savings account and donate 10k to orphanages. Leaving me with 5k for emergencies,"

"Wow so the bad boy is a good boy at heart," I smirk and he blushes.

"No kid deserves to suffer. When my mum died, my dad was in a horrible place and I felt like an orphan. But I'm happy he put all that pain into building himself an empire," D shrugs.

"Can I be coming with you to the orphanage?" I ask and he smiles brightly.

"Of course,"

We reach the strip club and D parks then we get out. We enter and the place is dark with the lights only on the stage. There were girls on the poles and they were really good. I was literally shouting for the slightest things they did. These girls are so talented damn. A waitress in barely any clothing comes to us and asks for our names.

"Damon Coleman," D says and she tells us to follow her.

She leads us to a private room and we sit on the couch. The music starts and a sexy muscular chocolate guy in a tight cop uniform comes through a door followed by a light skin woman who is very curvy in a short dress like cop uniform. Each of them had hand cuffs in their hands and began walking to us.

Earned it by The Weeknd starts playing and I almost fall off the couch in excitement. The sexy man comes and takes my hand to his and leads me to the stage where he sits me down on the chair and handcuffs my hands behind.

"What?" I ask in confusion.

He begins sexy dancing on me and I laugh in embarrassment as D is just throwing money.

When the song is almost done he uncuffs me and carries me so I begin grinding on him. He then lays me down making him be in between my legs. He does that grinding thing and I laugh loudly as D throws more money.

"Oh my," I laugh. The song ends and he stands up and pulls me up. I hug him and he hugs me back with a smile.

Other women and men come in and begin dancing and I keep throwing 20's on them.

This time I didn't even need to get drunk to have fun. D is surrounded by three beautiful girls and I'm surrounded by two hot guys and there others on the stage. When it clocks midnight D tells me he is leaving with one of the strippers and leaves me with the car key.

I decide to also leave but alone and head back to suite. As I'm changing into a big T-shirt a paper drops on the fall and I pick it up. It's Luke's number. Maybe I should call him over. I put it in my phone and call him.

"Hello," his husky voice says into the phone and my heart skips a beat.

"Hello?" He asks again.

"Luke, hey," I say shyly.

"Did I wake you up?" I ask.

"Who is this?" He asks.

"Cassandra, the girl from the Armani Georgio store," I laugh awkwardly.

"Hey beautiful, I was beginning to think you weren't going to call," he laughs and there's shuffling behind the phone.

"Did I wake you up?" I ask.

"Kinda but I would wake up from the dead just to hear your voice," he flirts and I laugh.

"Well would you wake up from the dead to see me? I'm leaving town tomorrow," I say and the line goes quite.

"Luke?" I ask.

"Is this a late night booty call?" He laughs.

"No! I just wanted to go late night exploring or even watch a movie," I defend myself.

"I was kind of hoping it was a booty call," he laughs.

"That can be discussed too," I flirt.

"Where are you?" He asks.

"Five Seasons hotel," I reply. "I can pick you up if you want me to," I add.

"How about you pick me up and we go late night exploring then we can head back to your room," he suggests and I nod forgetting he can't see me.

"Yea, that sounds great. Where are you?" I ask.

"Lemme send my location, see you in a few beautiful," he says and ends the call.

I put on D's jumper that has his name on the back then head out. I check the location Luke sent and put it in the GPS. It leads me to an apartment complex where Luke is standing outside looking at his phone. I stop right in front of him and he looks up and his jaw drops.

"This is yours?" Is first thing to fallout his mouth.

"Good to see you too," I laugh.

"I'm sorry, hey beautiful," he blushes.

"Hey handsome, get in," I smile.

"It's not mine-the car, it's for the guy I was with last time," I inform him.

"It's amazing!" Luke gushes.

"You want to drive?" I ask and he looked like he was about to pass out.

"No?" I mock him.

"I would be delighted," he says with tears in his eyes.

He gets out of the car as I cross to the other seat. He gets on the driver's seat and holds the wheel, "I can't believe I get to drive the 2020 Corvette C8."

"Let's go sight exploring," I say happily and he starts the car.

He takes me to many of his favorite places and I make sure to take a picture with him everywhere. He takes me to a park, for ice cream and he shows me really cool places.

"The best coffee place around is closed right now but we can come in the morning. Unless that's when you plan on leaving,"

"D left with a woman, he's probably coming back from his after party in the afternoon, meaning we shall leave Vegas in the night," I explain.

"So we can head back to your room now?" He smirks at me.

"Someone's eager," I wink at him.

He steps on the gas and we are going way past the speed limit. "Very," he says.

We reach my hotel and he parks. I get out and he takes my hand in his and practically pulls me inside the hotel to the elevator and I can't stop laughing.

"Which level?" He asks.

"Second last," I say and I press my lips to his before the elevator even closes.

He carries me and presses my back against the wall roughly. My hands move to his hair slowly pulling it and his hands enter my jacket where I'm still in my white tube top. The elevator dings and he carries me out without his lips leaving mine.

"Wait, wait," I break the kiss with a laugh.

"You don't know the room I'm in," I smile widely.

"Just tell me babe," he eagerly says.

"501," I reply. He walks to the door with me still in his arms and then I use the keycard to open it.

"Woah," he gasps and I motion for him to put me down.

"Yep. The presidential suite," I laugh awkwardly.

I remove my jumper as Luke is still looking around.

"Want something to eat?" I ask and he shakes his head no.

"Suit yourself," I call room service and order fries and a king sized burger for myself.

"Well the mood is dead," Luke laughs.

"Let's watch a movie," I suggest.

I lead him to my room and tell him to make himself comfortable. I get D's shirt which is big on me and leggings to cover my wounds and head to the bathroom. When I get out, Luke is only in his underwear and he's already looking for a movie.

"Come join me," he taps the spot next to him on the bed and I happily oblige.

He picks Coffee and Kareem and we turn off the lights and get in the mood. Quarter way through the movie there's a knock on the door and Luke offers to get it. He comes back with my food and hands it to me.

"You're sure you're not hungry?" I ask worriedly and he still shakes his head.

"I'll just have some water,"

"Sure lemme get you one," I open the mini fridge besides me and pick out a bottle of water for him. We continue watching the movie and laughing whenever necessary. Somewhere between the movie I get out my phone and post a picture of me and Luke on the hood of the corvette with our middle fingers up. I didn't tag him since he doesn't have an Instagram. When the movie ends I turn off the tv and enter bed.

"Join me," I yawn.

Luke comes behind me and spoons me and I cuddle into his chest.

"Talk to me," I say in a sleepy tone. I fear falling asleep and I forgot my sleeping pills.

"I didn't have the greatest life growing up. My parents were broke and my dad had a gambling issue, they were always fighting but they loved each other so much, I always wish for a love like theirs.

One time my mum went to work and never returned. Police came to us the next morning and told me since my dad wasn't yet around that my mum had been found in an alleyway. She was raped and then killed. I immediately called my father and he picked up after the tenth ring.

My dad always blamed himself for her death. He always says that if he was a good husband and dad my mum wouldn't have to work at that time of the night. My 13 year old heart broke for my father. He was a good man with bad habits. He quit gambling and now he has a stable job and a good wife with cute little kids," he finishes.

"Wow, was that made up?" I ask in owe and he laughs 'no'.

I turn and look at him and smile. "You're so strong Luke."

"And you what's your story. What's so bad that you had to come to Vegas for the weekend?" He asks and I look down and his chest.

"Well, I'm a slut and a whore. Thought this guy liked me just as friends turns out he wanted to fuck me I mean he didn't say that but he kissed me when I thought he just wanted to be friends then I had a panic attack. I know it's such a small thing to get a panic attack over but yeah and the weird thing is that that's the least painful thing. My parents hate me and wish that it was me not my twin sister that died. My mum wants a Barbie doll for a daughter, my dad beats me and everyone in school either hates me, wishes they were me or worships me. I just want another life where I can eat whatever, wear whatever, have real friends and not be judged," I say like I'm telling him how to bake cake instead of telling him my sob story.

"What?!" He gets out of the bed.

"Your dad beats you?" He asks and I just shrug.

"Why don't you report them?" He asks angrily.

"I just want them to love me. And reporting them will make them hate me more," I say the half truth sadly and a lone tear escapes my eye. Luke comes back on the bed and takes my hands in his.

"I keep thinking that maybe I'm doing something wrong, maybe if I do what they want and be who they want, they'll look at me with love," I rant and now I'm sobbing.

"But no, each time they tell me I'm trash and a whore and I'll never be worthy. They tell me I never do anything right. I don't know why they don't like me. They have never said they're proud of or that they love me. What's wrong with me," I cry and Luke holds me as I cry. He lets me cry while humming a lullaby which weirdly calmed me down.

I'm so exhausted from crying that I fall asleep in his arms.