10. Brother

King's memories had been sealed until he would get to the age of five for his own good.

Aelsa was currently laying next to King on her bed. She felt his presence very soothing to her mind and body.

King's small body was tired and he had his eyes closed tightly. He was really tired right now.

He had cluelessly watched all day and saw the whole ceremony happening but couldn't understand what was going on since he didn't have any memories and was just a curious little baby.

Aelsa stroked his head with her soft hands and felt the softness of his skin.

'Haaa, Her Majesty's champion can never be mediocre'. She thought to herself and slowly closed her eyes to sleep contentedly.

A lot happened today and she was a bit tired from all the hectic things. Giving her mind the much deserved rest.

Gradually Morning came and a crying voice greeted Aelsa's mind.

Aelsa shook her head and propped up her upper body to look towards her right and saw King crying his lungs out.

"What happened? Here, mommy's here, stop crying". Aelsa picked King up in her bossom and shook him from side to side to calm him down.

"Uuu, uuu". King's slowly calmed down and he started to bite Aelsa's clothes reflexively.

He didn't have any teeth and his action looked silly and cute.

Aelsa smiled and shook him a bit more before she rang the bell beside the bed.

"Your Majesty". A maid quickly came into the room and was a little astonished when she saw King in Aelsa's arms.

"Get me a bottle of milk. Make sure to keep it lukewarm for the baby". Aelsa commanded and waved her hand to motion the maid to be quick.

The maid bowed and ran off without asking any further questions.

She was professionally trained in the castle and knew her measures and duties.

Sometimes asking too much can get you in trouble which is not good for anyone.

"Don't cry, the milk is coming soon, don't cry". Aelsa kept on shaking King from left to right and spoke in a gentle and affectionate tone.

She felt like being back in time when Elaine was born and she would also wake up like this at night and morning to take care of her.

It brought her back in memories and she couldn't help showing a nostalgic and gentle smile on her lips.

"Your Majesty, the milk". The maid quickly brought the milk on a tray and presented it to Aelsa respectfully.

"Okay, you can retire". Aelsa took the milk bottle and waved her hand in dismissal.

The maid bowed her head and went out of the room tacitly in a silent manner.

"Here, drink till you are full". Aelsa shook the nipple of the bottle on King's mouth and he quickly opened his mouth to bite and suck on the nipple of the bottle.

He closed his eyes and slowly sucked the milk in the bottle with a cute little expression on his face.

Aelsa smiled like a flower when she saw this and continued to rest her body against the headrest while feeding King.

Chastiefol was floating at her side like it was guarding King from her as well.

If she made any sudden moves or showed any ill intent then it would shoot without mercy.

Aelsa also perceived the meaning behind this and just shrugged it off because she didn't have any ideas like that anyway.

She gently fed the milk to King and kept her smile on the face.

King finished drinking the milk and looked at her with his big green eyes.

He lifted his little hands and caught Aelsa's finger tightly like a vice.

There was a lot of strength in that little hand and Aelsa smiled like a flower when she saw this cuteness in front of her.

"Want to play with mommy? Here you go". Aelsa cooed to him and played with him happily.

Sometimes making faces and sometimes she would pinch his cheeks.

King was laughing cutely and happily while playing with her.

Just then, the door of the room was opened with a bang that startled King into crying out loud.

"Mom!" Elaine entered the room with a pout and aggrieved expression.

"I have been waiting for you!" She yelled and jumped on the bed with a huff.

Suddenly, she was confused and blinked her big eyes while looking at the crying baby in her mother's arms.

"Mom, who is this?" She immediately forgot about her anger and looked at King curiously.

"Bad girl, you made your brother cry". Aelsa admonished Elaine and quickly shook King left to right to make him stop crying.

King stopped crying after a while and sobbed a little while looking at Elaine blankly.

"I'm sorry". Elaine apologised with her head down in sadness.

"It's alright, be careful in the future". Aelsa smiled softly and rubbed Elaine's head.

"Mom, can I hold him?" Elaine beamed up in response and asked expectantly.

"Sure but be careful". Aelsa nodded her head and handed King over to Elaine.

"Awawa". Elaine said in a startle and carefully held King in her small arms carefully. Although, she was a bit awkward because King was too big for her small little body.

"Goo goo gaaa". King laughed and caught Elaine's finger that was poking his face cutely.

"So Cute". Elaine squealed and kissed King's cheek in happiness.

Aelsa just smiled while looking at the two of them warmly from the side.

"He is your Younger Brother. So you have to take good care of him". She caressed Elaine's head and said with a doting look in her eyes.

"Hehe, I finally have a younger brother". Elaine cheered and held King tightly to herself without letting go.

"Okay, now give him to me. He needs to sleep". Aelsa saw King's tired face and he was yawning from time to time.

"Okay". Elaine nodded and handed King back to Aelsa reluctantly.

She was having fun playing with King from time to time. It was like she found a new toy or friend. She cheered back up again and started to pester Aelsa.

"Go play with your friends and you have classes to learn anyway. So get ready". Aelsa quickly shooed her off because she was going to go out herself.

"Okay". Elaine nodded with a downcast expression and left the room.

Aelsa smiled and went to prepare for her dress as well.

Maids quickly entered the room and helped Aelsa dress up before they took their exit professionally.