13. Magic

King is Officially three years old now and is going to formally start his magic training with Aelsa as his first guide.

After today, he will learn from various tutors in the Castle and occasionally from Aelsa when she has time.

Elaine was also with them to recap on some of the knowledge that Aelsa taught her before.

"Like I told you yesterday. Close your eyes and try to feel the energy within you. Then try to move that energy inside your body". Aelsa spoke calmly.

She was sitting cross legged in front of King and he was doing the same.

Elaine was sitting beside Aelsa and the two of them were listening to her intently.

King closed his eyes together with Elaine and tried to focus his attention on what Aelsa had told him.

He tried to feel the energy inside his body and slowly started to feel some kind of energy radiating from his heart with every beat.

It was a very subtle amount of energy that flowed through his veins along with every beat of his heart like oxygen but it wasn't oxygen.

It was more metaphysical and in another plane of existence altogether.

King felt like a new world was opened to him when he saw the energy running through his veins like blood.

He tried to move the energy but felt that it was extremely hard to do so.

He tried multiple times and failed again and again multiple times as well but he didn't give up and continued trying.

Suddenly, he started to feel weak and almost collapsed right where he was and opened his eyes in a startle.

"Silly boy, you consumed too much mental energy while trying to command the Mana inside you. Take a rest and try it after resting". Aelsa admonished him lightly and spike with a soft smile.

"Hehe, I can already use magic. I am awesome right". Elaine said and a small candle like flame lit up on her hand and she showed a smug expression to King.

Aelsa just looked at their antics with a smile and didn't interject between them.

"Hmph, I will also be able to use it soon". King harrumphed and pouted his mouth.

He again closed his eyes to focus on controlling the energy.

It was way harder than he thought it would be and he was sweating buckets from his forehead and body.

"Rest for today and try again tomorrow. It's enough for one day". Aelsa said and patted King's head affectionately.

Next day, King tried again under the supervision of a Court Magician.

This situation lasted for a week before he finally felt a little movement from the energy.

King was so excited that rushed off on top of Chastiefol and barged straight into the Throne room.

"Mom!" King yelled in excitement and headed straight to the throne in the middle of the room.

The serious discussion going on in the room was instantly paused and everyone turned to look at King.

"Uuuh, sorry. Did I make a mistake?" King stagnated at his place when he saw everyone turn to look at him.

"Nothing's wrong dear. Tell me what happened?" Aelsa said with a soothing smile and stroked his head in comfort.

"Oh yeah, I finally made the energy move. I did good right?" King cheered and said happily while looking at her expectantly.

"So fast". Aelsa was astonished when she heard his words.

This was unprecedented to be able to move the energy in such a short period of time.

"Do you want a reward?" She asked and looked at his cute smiling face dotingly.

"Uhm, I haven't thought of anything. I will tell you when I think of something". King raised his head and shook it from side to side to think of something but couldn't figure it out. So he just opted to keep the reward for the future.

"Okay, tell me when you think of something". Aelsa nodded and then turned to look at the ministers in the room.

Her face was serious and majestic. There was a Regal momentum exuding from her body.

"This matter shall not be known out of these walls". She said and looked at all of them one by one as a sort of warning.

The matter of King's Genius has to be concealed as much as possible or it could bring possible assassination attempts on his life which will be disastrous.

She is not afraid of people coming after her but what of they come after her children.

A man can protect from a thousand but what if that one thing slips in the net.

"As you command, Your Majesty". All the ministers and Knights bowed their heads in recognition.

"Good". Aelsa nodded and her momentum relaxed a little.

"Did I do something wrong?" King asked with his head down in sadness.

"No dear, you did nothing wrong". Aelsa shook her head and encouraged him dotingly. She couldn't suppress the talent of her child just because of her fears.

That would be counter productive and may even leave a psychological shadow in him.

"Okay then I am going to tell Elaine". Alex cheered and flew off with Chastiefol.

Aelsa shook her head with a soft smile and continued to deal the work.

King left the throne room and went to the study room that was especially made for them.

It was a wide room with plenty of space to learn etiquettes and to learn other things like instruments.

The Harp and the flute were the most used instruments in Alfheim.

Most people learnt to play them at a young age and could play them very well.

King also started to learn these two when he was just two years old and could already play it a bit proficiently.

It's just that his aptitude was kept a secret from anyone by Aelsa and wasn't known to anyone because of her interference.

His aptitude was just scary and she didn't want others to know about this or it will bring myriad of problems for them.

"Elaine!" King flew straight in front of her while exclaiming loudly.

"What is it?" Elaine asked while lifting her head from the book.

There was no one in the room except her. She was doing the work assigned to her by her tutor.

"I finally moved the energy". King said with a wide and boastful smile.

"Really! Wow!" Elaine exclaimed with surprise and jumped up to hug King.

"That's great". She smiled even wider after hugging him and didn't plan to let go at all.

"Okay, you do your work and I will do mine". King made an excuse and slipped away before she could protest.