22. Coronation Ceremony 2

King caught Diane's hand and squeezed it lightly with a smile to lessen her nervousness and it worked wonderfully on her.

"Thank you". She moved her lips with a little bow in a thanking gesture and King just waved his hand in affirmation.

"Please enter the banquet hall but the knights and Maids will have to stay outside". The guard bowed and spoke respectfully.

"Wait". Aelsa gave a concise order and led the two children inside the hall with herself.

It was the throne room of Asgard. Odin was standing in front of the throne while the various Realm Lords were also present in the hall.

Frey was also there with Gerd and his two daughters Frigga and Freyja on the throne room.

King didn't really pay attention to the other realm Lords in the room.

There were only Eight Realm Lords here anyway because Midgard didn't have a Realm Lord at all. So they were out of the equation altogether.

"You are here". Frey didn't really care about anything and came walking towards the Alfheim trio with his own family.

"Hey Uncle Frey". King greeted him cheerfully because he knew the family.

They had come occasionally once or twice these past five years and their relationship with Aelsa and the two children were friendly.

"Oh King, you have grown big, haven't you boy?" Frey laughed and smiled at King kindly with a doting look.

He liked the energetic little Crown Prince of Alfheim and it was a good choice to form a better relationship with the future Heir to the throne.

Everything is fair in Love and War. Diplomacy can also be considered as a Kind of War between politicians of different nations.

And Frey was very well aware of this fact. So he always tried to maintain a harmonious relationship with Alfheim.

"Thank you, Uncle Frey". King smiled and thanked Frey cheerfully.

"King, Elaine, come here and meet my two daughters". Gerd spoke from the side and immediately pulled the two children to the side.

Aelsa and Frey were going to have some discussion between them. So she opted to separate the children from there and let them play together.

"I am Elaine Featherwine, nice to make your acquaintance". Elaine bowed gracefully by lifting her skirt just a small amount in greeting.

"I am King Featherwine, Nice to make your acquaintance". King stood straight and introduced himself without bowing because the Crown Prince represents a Realm and Cannot bow to other realms.

"I am Frigga /Freyja, it is nice to make your acquaintance as well". Both Frigga and Freyja bowed like Elaine and introduced themselves gracefully.

"You guys can chat with each other now. I will go to your father". Gerd smiled and left the children to their own devices.

She elegantly moved over to stand beside Frey while he inquired some unimportant news about Alfheim because he couldn't know secrets. So he didn't even try.

Everything has its own methods, time and place to implement. These things cannot be asked on the face.

'Why don't I know anything about this child of Aelsa?' Odin narrowed his eyes when he saw King interacting with Frigga and Freyja.

His mood turned a bit gloomy when he knew that his spies couldn't even find out anything about such an important thing.

King's news was too tightly blocked before and couldn't be leaked at all.

Frey only knew because he had a better relationship with Alfheim and came to visit once or twice.

Otherwise, he would remain in the dark like the other Realm Lords present here.

"Hey, do you know, we have this massive library in our castle and it has so many books". Elaine started to talk immediately with the other two.

She was bragging about the different things in the castle to them.

"Hehe, we also have a very beautiful garden in our palace". Frigga laughed and talked with Elaine harmoniously.

The two of them hit it off quite well from the moment they met.

They were talking about all kinds of things and having fun chatting with each other.

"Hey, want me to show you a trick?" King didn't pay any attention to the two chattering girls and started talking to Freyja.

"What trick?" Freyja asked with a hint of intrigue when she heard his words.

King smiled mysteriously and pulled out a deck of cards from his coat pocket.

"What's this?" Freyja was a bit intrigued and quickly looked at the deck of cards with shining eyes.

"Oh, King is about to do his tricks". Elaine quickly cheered and started looking at the deck in his hands expectantly.

Frigga was also looking at it with an intrigued expression on her face. She was quite curious about it.

"Hehe, you'll know in a bit". King answered Freyja's question and she pouted at him acting so mysterious.

"Now, these are king, queen, Jack and Ace. The rest are just numbers, so you should already know". King said while showing them the different cards to introduce their names first.

"These are Spades, Diamonds, Clubs and Hearts. These are the four symbols of the deck". Then he introduced the shapes and finally they were acquainted with it.

"Now choose a card". He closed his eyes and shuffled the card before spreading them in his hands.

The duo of Vanaheim were quite intrigued and quickly chose their individual cards.

Elaine also chose a card while smiling triumphantly like she was the one who was going to do the trick.

King had practiced this whole thing for a month and with his talent. He had mastered a lot of tricks this past month.

This was the first thing he had asked to be made when he got the memories.

Then he shuffled the cards again and looked at the three of them.

"Put the cards anywhere you like". He asked and the three of them split on their own choice and put the card inside.

King shuffled the cards one more time in front of them and smiled even more mysteriously.

As soon as he stopped shuffling, he turned his head to look at each of them.

"Elaine, your card is.... King of Spades". King said and a card popped straight out of then deck fell into Elaine's hands.

The other two were astonished when they saw King guess the card so accurately like that.

"Freyja's card is.... Ace of Hearts". And another card popped out.

"Frigga's card is... two of Clubs". With that all the cards were guessed and into the trio's hands.