26. Timeskip

A young boy could be seen running in the streets of Ljosalfgard. He was playing with other children his age and all of them were running in the streets.

The ages of the children varied but they weren't too far apart from each other in age. They could be considered of the same age group.

King was the leader of the group and he would change his face with magic every time to play with the commoner children in the streets to have some unrestrained fun.

He has always been cooped up in the castle either practicing magic or physical strength.

So this is his favourite pass time to let out some steam and enjoy himself plus it helps his make friends.

"Hey Reel, let's do that thing again". A guy spoke from behind King this time.

When he changes his face, he somehow just thought of using this name.

So he used it and made it his alias for the illusion and all the others call him by this name.

"Oh that thing?" King asked with a cheeky smile.

"Yeah, that thing". The guy nodded again and King's smile widened even more.

"Let's go then". King nodded and led everyone through the alleys and came to the residential area in the stronghold.

"This noble is not a good thing. He sometimes beats commoners for no reason and puts pressure on them. Let's do it to him this time". King said and pointed at a mansion.

"Are the weapons ready?" King turned to look at them and asked with a naughty smirk.

"Hehe, we have prepared them". Everyone said and showed King some big rotten eggs.

They had rotten eggs the size of volleyballs stacked in trays with four eggs in each.

There were at least 5 trays in front of them and they were ready to use these trays for some nasty fun.

"Give it to me". King lifted his hand backwards and motioned for them to out the egg on his hand.

A guy placed the egg on King's hand and tubbed his hand in excitement.

"Go! Go!" All the girls and guys cheered in a low voice.

King didn't disappoint them and hurled the egg at the mansion in an extremely fast speed.

The egg was encased in magic to make sure it doesn't just burst with the pressure of the throw itself.

The egg landed straight on the inner door of the mansion extremely fast and the guards all looked dumbfounded.

"Keep them coming". King said calmly and kept on stretching one hand after the other.

Before even a minute passed, all the eggs in the trays were gone and already plastered all over the mansion.

Some burst through the windows and stained the expensive carpets and curtains in the room along with the furniture.

Even some of the expensive antiques were destroyed with the eggs falling on them and dropping them on the ground.

The rotten smell of the egg spread everywhere in the mansion like a plague at an extremely fast speed.

"Hehe, Run!" King shouted and all of them ran away from there and shuttled through the crowd to make themselves disappear.

The guards tried to chase after them but King left illusions behind him and successfully lost the guards in the vast crowd.

"Hehe that was exciting". King laughed uproariously when he finally stopped running.

"Yeah that will teach that guy to mess with the commoners". Another guy laughed and patted King's shoulder.

'How would they feel if they knew that I am the Crown Prince. I technically didn't lie because this is another identity altogether'. King said to himself and reassured himself.

He just never told them his origins and they never asked. So it was all good since he didn't have to lie about it.

"That was fun. We should do it again some time". Another guy exclaimed happily and cheered.

"We shouldn't do this. If we get caught, it won't be good". A girl spoke up in the group and tried to persuade them.

"Don't worry, nothing will happen. Just don't do it on your own and wait for me". King reassured them but also gave a little warning.

"Yeah". All of them agreed immediately because King is their leader and the strongest among them.

King has made a lot of progress in these past five years. He has the same strength as a peak Human in his past life and his magic has also progressed fairly well.

He is focusing on the easiest part to lay a foundation for the harder things in the future and is working with Illusions at the moment.

Illusions can help him lay the foundation on mastering the use of energy and conversion of the magic of energy into their intended purpose.

So he has been diligently learning them and using these things daily to practice on every occasion.

In about five more years, he should be able to get a good mastery over illusions.

The. He will start on actual attack Magics like Elemental magics and various others which just keep on expanding his repertoire.

His strength has also come along nicely and because of him reaching peak human strength.

He has to wear a bracelet that put a force of two hundred kgs all over his body.

This keeps him restricted in strength at all times and makes it that he grows stronger daily.

Elves and Fairies aren't as physically gifted as Asgardians and he has to work harder to gain the same strength as them.

But he has no complaints and just keeps on working hard on himself to keep building his strength.

He has very quickly gained the peak human strength and will also be able to break through it to go higher and higher.

And he has a faint inkling that something big will happen to him and it will be a good thing as well.

He is very much looking forward to the thing that will happen.

All the kids and King were talking and again strolling around the whole market in the Stronghold while laughing uproariously from time to time.

All of them had a good relationship with each other and were good friends. So there was a lot to talk about and they could mix with each other.