29. Awakening 3

"Uh, how do I say this?" King showed a difficult and perplexed expression when Aelsa asked him.

"Is something wrong?" She looked a little worried when she saw his hesitation.

"It's just a little weird to explain since it's different from what I have read". King rubbed the back of his head and explained.

"Oh that's not a problem. Mutations happen every now and then. So don't be afraid and just speak your mind". Aelsa smiled and rubbed his head comfortingly with love.

"So I have the main divinity of Disaster. It is a delicate mix of Life and Death combined that allows me to perform a lot of things.

Then I also have sub divinities somehow like a link connection between each other with the Disaster Divinity as the center.

And my Sub-divinities are taking a bit of time to awake and should be ready by tomorrow. So I will know what they are only then". King finished speaking in a single breath and then looked at the faces of the three people near him.

The faces of the other three were completely dumbfounded when they heard his words.

"Miracle". Aelsa said in disbelief. It's not that you cannot have sub-divinities but Gods refine them over time rather than awakening with them from the start.

Like herself, she has the main divinity of Elements but she also refined the sub-divinty of Magic and wisdom through extensive knowledge.

Provided that Sub-divinities are barely half as powerful as the main divinities but they still give you a pretty powerful boost in your abilities and way more convenience in some things.

"Mom, I still feel a bit groggy. I will take my leave now". King rubbed his temples and asked.

"Go ahead". Aelsa nodded her head and also decided to go to her room for some rest.

She was also mentally exhausted after dealing with the problems of the realm all day long.

"Let's go". Elaine said excitedly and didn't move away from Chastiefol.

King was already used to this and didn't mind her behaviour.

He just directed Chastiefol and decided to drop Diane off first to her quarters before going to his own room.

Diane clutched King's coat sleeve and looked a little pitiful.

King's heart softened and he just changed his direction towards his room without going to Diane's quarters.

They came to the room and King immediately fell asleep on Chastiefol because he was barely holding on after the awakening and was still very weak.

As soon as he fell asleep, Elaine and Diane looked at each other for a second before laying down on either side of him in a tacit understanding.

Soon, peaceful voices of snoring could be heard from the room.

In Aelsa's room at this time.

"So King awakened to multiple divinities". Aelsa muttered to herself and looked up at the ceiling blankly in thought.

"We will have to conceal this part from others in fear of Assassinations. People's hearts can never be judged. Especially in these chaotic times". She rubbed her forehead and just thought of various things concerning this discovery.

Skirmishes have been happening these past two years between Jotunheim, Svartalfheim and Asgard.

Odin took their non presence as an offence to his majesty as the Ruler of Asgard and started to create various troubles for the two realms.

From Assassinations to throwing dirt on their names. Even politically harassing them over small things.

The situation in the Nine Realms is getting tense as time passes day by day and the war might erupt even before the hundred years time limit.

Obviously, King is not privy to this information yet because Aelsa wants him to enjoy his childhood rather than being burdened by these things.

But he will have to eventually stand up for his realm if the rest of the Realms feel that Alfheim is not pleasing to the eye.

One good thing in this is that she has talked about the marriage between King and Freyja with King Frey and his wife.

This way, they can at least make Vanaheim one of their allies that can stand together and retreat together if their interests align.

King and Freyja have no complains because they already took their consent to the matter.

Both of them have known each for about five years and they can be considered quite close to each other.

Elaine and Diane sulked a whole week after knowing this news but they got better when King said something to their ear behind her back.

She herself doesn't have a clue on what he said to the two girls to appease them but she didn't care either way.

This is their matter and she never forced them to tell her anything they didn't want to.

Aelsa slowly closed her eyes when she was done thinking about everything and feel asleep.

In some part of the castle.

'I have been totally forgotten'. A dog was sulking to himself while howling to the sky.

This dog is none other than Lopt himself. He has been totally forgotten during this time. King comes to play with him everyday but he is sad because he doesn't get enough screen time.

'Why do you do this to me?' Lopt sulked and whined up to the sky.

'Because you are not important to plot yet'. Suddenly, an ancient, archaic and Majestic voice *cough* rang in his ears that made him want to prostrate on the ground.

'But'. Lopt still tried to complain and still did not give up.

'Now be a good dog and keep quiet'. The voice rang again and made Lopt shut up immediately.

Lopt took his head in its paws and held it against the ground in fear.

'Good boy'. The voice praised and Lopt felt that the connection was suddenly cut off from it.

'Finally'. Lopt gave a sigh of relief and looked at the sky again.

Today was a beautiful full moon and he felt like howling to the sky again.

'Maybe I am a wolf and not a dog'. Lopt thought in its mind and decided to try a howl.

It clenched its buttocks and took a deep breath in order to prepare for the howl.

"Woooof". A huge woof came out of its mouth and shattered its fantasy in half.

Lopt just slumped to the ground and slowly fell asleep in embarrassment and sullenness.