32. Another Timeskip

Another five years have passed and King is now officially fifteen years old.

A lot has happened in these five years. He has become a literal expert at hand to hand combat and can even defeat knights during combat.

Due to his divinity with the elements and Life. He can heal faster and even get some response from nature itself.

His hand to hand arts are close to some of the veteran royal knights of the castle.

He still can't match the knight commanders in skill but it won't take too long to get there.

His spear wielding has not been slow either. He has gained a lot of expertise in that as well.

His progress with the spear has been stronger than his progress with hand to hand combat due to his divinity with it.

He faintly feels that if he uses the divinity then he can summon the future incarnation of his spear skills onto himself for a very short period of time.

Which is quite terrifying if you think about King's talent and then think if he summons his skills from like fifty years in the future.

Even if it is for a couple of seconds. This is still a very good and powerful card in his grasp.

But he knows that he is too weak and he can only summon skills from about a few months in the future.

If nothing unusual happens then his skill will only improve by a small amount in that time. It won't be something amazing.

But King also found out that meditating with Chastiefol on his lap can increase his capacity for Divinity of Spears in a slow manner but it is still there.

He still has the divinities for Light, Dark, Elements, Life and Death. Disaster grows stronger if he makes Life and Death stronger.

So he can't practice it like normal. He has to focus on Life and Death to make it stronger.

Connecting with the elements can help him improve his elements and other elements like Light and Dark as well.

He can connect with life to practice it and he can make things wither and die to practice Death.

King has gained a lot during these past five years but his magic can be considered the best improvement.

He has finally gained an initial mastery on Illusions. He can put anyone into an illusion as long as they are not too strong for King.

His magic is just not that strong at the moment or this will be cinch to fight people with illusions.

He is not at Prime Loki's level with Illusions but he will not be too far if he keeps working on them for another hundred years.

'Next, I will finally start learning some elemental magic'. King was very excited because he was finally learning something more attack oriented.

Magic like elemental magic and the like can mix well with Chastiefol's abilities and provide some great assist and damage.

"Your Highness please". Diane motioned King to follow her to the bathroom.

King yawned and stretched before he got Chastiefol to head to the bathroom.

Three other maids were already waiting inside and Diane also followed in immediately.

Diane has still not stopped calling King Your Highness as per her etiquettes but due to King's insistence. When they are alone, Diane calls him by name.

Although, her address is still respectful in every way but it is improvement and their relationship has been a bit ambiguous during this time.

Same goes with Elaine. They have started to get a bit conscious of each other in a different way than before.

She still sleeps with him though. That never changes no matter how much Elaine feels embarrassed now.

She just has to sleep with him since she has been doing it for fifteen years already.

She has become so accustomed to it that she can't even sleep on her own if King is not there as her body pillow.

After getting clothed, King looked at himself in the mirror and saw that his looks were already very similar to Angush, the fairy King.

Just his eyes were green but they made a very good contrast with his white silver hair that shone like a metal.

His hairstyle had two braids that hung on the side of his face with a small amount of spiky hair towards the top and the rest falling down like a curtain.

His hair don't feel irritating at all. They are like smooth silk and very comfortable to touch. Making people feel utterly comfortable.

He wears a small crown ok his forehead as the Crown Prince of Alfheim to announce his identity.

Even Elaine has to wear a crown when she dresses up everyday as a part of her attire.

Every Realm has their own rituals and customs that they follow since ancient times. The same is true for the royal family of Alfheim.

They wear elegant and refined clothes with crown to inspire awe in the hearts of their people and act as a reassurance in their hearts.

King has also started to handle some matters related to the Realm of Alfheim from this year but Aelsa stopped him.

She said that she doesn't need him to handle those tings yet and he can just focus on other things for the time being.

King can start handling these things when he is about hundred years old. He is still a baby according to Alfheim age standards.

He will barely be a teenager when he is hundred years old and his marriage with Freyja will also be scheduled at that time.

His engagement with her is also coming closer but he has a faint inkling that something else will happen before that.

He is not sure what it is but he only knows that it won't be a bad thing for him. He has this feeling whenever something happens and it has never failed him.

Maybe because he has the divinity for Life and Death. He has a faint predicting ability but it only tells him if it's something bad or good.

He shook his head and calmly looked away from the mirror before preparing to go to have breakfast with Aelsa and Elaine.