34. Magic

King opened his eyes after he got back to his physical body and looked around in the room and saw that everyone were still here.

"Mom, Elaine, Diane". He stood up immediately and hugged the three of them in his embrace tightly.

"What happened sweetheart". Aelsa asked in worry when she saw him suddenly hug the three of them.

She suddenly regretted sending him on that astral journey through the cosmos. She thought something bad happened to her child.

"Nothing mom, just missed you guys". King smiled brilliantly and and answered.

Aelsa was very knowledgeable and immediately knew what was going on. "Did you try to acquire a realm?" She raised her eyebrow and asked with a hint of surprise.

Finding a suitable realm for yourself is never easy and King being able to find one can be considered extreme luck on the first try.

"Yeah". King nodded affirmatively when he heard her question.

"I spent five years there in meditation to acquire the realm". King answered with some grievances on his face.

For a lazy person like him. It is easy to sit and read or watch something for hours but that is if he has some form of entertainment.

Without any entertainment, just meditating really took all his willpower and the assistance of his drive to get stronger before he was able to persevere in acquiring the realm.

At least during the day, he can spend his time being busy with acquiring knowledge on different things and even do some physical training and then go to play with his friends.

This keeps him entertained all day and then he spends some time with his family during the evening before going to bed.

A complete routine that accompanies fun along with growing stronger everyday. So he has no complains about this lifestyle of his.

He may have only lived for about sixteen years if you count the years with Death and Yggdrasil but he is still quite knowledgeable and wise after learning all kinds of things for so long with his amazing memory.

So asking someone like him to just sit down and meditate is really torturing him to the extreme.

King finally let go of the three people in front of him and smiled at them like he just found the world.

"Now, I will teach you some magic like originally planned". Aelsa smiled elegantly and took them towards the special training grounds for magic.

This training ground is made of tough metals to make sure that it isn't easily destroyed when a big magic deployed.

Otherwise they will have to just keep rebuilding this thing. Which is not very cost effective in her cognition.

"Watch". Aelsa waved her hand and a spear of fire was conjured beside her.

She constructed a metal target with magic and fired the spear immediately. The spear zoomed past and lodged itself into the target before exploding into a big explosion.

"This is intermediate magic in Alfheim. This is also the limit to what normal people are allowed to learn". Aelsa spoke calmly and saw King's eager eyes.

She nodded to herself in satisfaction when she saw that. She wanted to demonstrate this only to let him know the power of their Alfheim magic.

"I have started to learn intermediate magic as well". Elaine immediately saw the opportunity to brag and didn't forget to take it immediately.

"You are still five years late than me". King pointed it out ruthlessly and Elaine froze in place.

"Uuuu". She literally had tears in her eyes and her eyes went red from grief.

King was stunned immediately when he saw her crying. He didn't plan to do this and didn't know what to do.

For all his wisdom, he didn't know how to appease a crying girl at all. He could only try his best but before he could do anything, Elaine had already run off.

"Before you leave after her". Aelsa immediately stopped King before he runs off after Elaine.

"What is it?" King stopped and asked a bit puzzled.

"You have to start reading about these and here is a token of permission". Aelsa sent a message to his brain and gave him a token as well.

"Thanks mom". King thanked her and took the token from her hand.

"Elaine!" Then he shouted and ran away from the place.

"Your Highness". Diane also called and ran behind King to follow him.

'Deja Vu'. King suddenly felt a little strange but didn't stop and continued to run after Elaine.

He came to her favourite spot and saw her crying her eyes out below the tree. He couldn't help himself in feeling a bit guilty and walked over to her.

"I'm sorry". He hugged her from behind and spoke softly in her ears.

"You are so mean". Elaine spoke amidst her sobs. She was rubbing her eyes and nose with the back of her hands.

"I'm sorry, it just came out instinctively and I couldn't control it". He hugged her tightly and kept on speaking softly in her ears.

Elaine took a bit more time to calm down and finally cried out all her grievances for every time that King refuted her like that.

King just stayed silently beside her and listened to her complains without responding and only giving occasional answers here and there.

"Have you calmed down now?" King turned to look at Elaine's puffy eyes and spoke with a suppressed smile on his face.

He so wanted to laugh at that but didn't dare to or she might start crying again like before and he wouldn't know what to do.

Diane was also looking at the two of them from the side with a smile and she joined in the conversation tacitly.

They stayed like this for a while and talked about trivial things to bring Elaine back to normal before King headed to the library to learn some Magic.

He couldn't wait to learn some new magic and try out the power behind them magic immediately like a magician.

How cool would it be to summon multiple magics on someone and defeat them effortlessly with a hailstorm of magic.